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Arthit's POV

From Arthit

Kong, where are you?

From Arthit

Please, let me explain.

From Arthit

God dammit, answer my calls.

From Arthit

Fuck. Fine, if you don't wanna talk then don't.

From Arthit

I don't care.

From Arthit

I don't care anymore.

From Arthit

I don't fucking care.

From Arthit


From Arthit

It's okay if you don't want to talk but let me know you're somewhere safe.

From Arthit

I'm worried.

From Arthit


From Arthit


From Arthit

I'm sorry.

I called him several times but I was always transferred to his voicemail after it rang. He never pick my calls, he just let it ring until a prompt were heard. I gripped my phone tightly, pinning my hopes on his reply, then succumbed to my thoughts.

I lost track of time staring at the ceiling while laying on my bed, I felt the pang in my heart. It stings every time I think about what happened. I can't blame Kong for jumping into conclusions. Hell, if I were to see him kissing someone else - all hell breaks loose. I felt so stupid to even consider of taking a chance on Sahit when I knew all along to whom I belong - to whom my heart belongs. I was too slow, slow to discern. I was a fool, fool to even need a confirmation just to prove I was over her but what's done is done. I could never change what happened no matter how badly I want it.

How am I going to make it right? How am I going to have him trust me again? How am I going to tell him that it was nothing? How am I going to make him believe me that it's him whom I love and I was completely over Sahit? Or did he stop loving me? Did he finally realize that I am good for nothing ass? Is he done with me? Does he not love me anymore? Is it possible to un-love a person so quick? I hope not.

I put the back of my palm to cover my eyes when a water started to cloud my vision, letting my tears to run down my skin. I pursed my lips to prevent myself from whimpering but to no avail. My chest hurt, so damn bad. I felt like drowning and suffocated by intensity of pain. My shoulder shook not long after, I couldn't help it anymore, I let myself drown in my own tears.


I miss you, Kong.

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