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Arthit's POV

The sun has already set, when we arrived at the camping site. Coach gathered us around to discuss about what we should do first. 

"Tents were prepared beforehand so all you have to do is to pitch it. " he started. "There should be a maximum of three people on bigger ones and two on smaller ones. You can group yourselves and do it quick so you can start with the tent. Food will be ready by the time you finish, so hurry up. " he said dismissing us. 

Everyone went on their own way to start with what coach instructed us to do.

"You go with Bright and Prem, Arthit. " I heard Knot implied.

"How about you? " I queried. 

"I will go with Teet and Vin, I will never stay in one room with them ever again. " pointing at Prem and Bright who were currently making fun of each other at a distance.

I creased my brow then it dawned on me. 

"Here I am, thinking you were being nice." I said sarcastically.

He just laughed out loud. "Good luck, I suggest you put on your headset. " he said before leaving. 

I walked towards the two who were already bickering. I took two branches of woods on the way.

"Not happening, Bright. " I heard Prem and Bright arguing. 

"Well, I look better. Good looking people has better advantages. " Bright taunted the other. 

"Good looking, my butt. It has nothing to do with this. " Prem disagreed, knowing him, he wouldn't let Bright gets what he wants. 

Sometimes, Bright's logic is unimaginable. I shook my head.

I stepped in between them. "Hey, " I handed them the branches in my hand, one for each. "Why don't you kill each other already? Use that. " I told them, referring to the branches.

The two shared knowing glances and a huge grin formed on their faces. 

I raised my brow. "What? " I asked, I knew they are up to no good again. 

"I don't want to sleep in the middle," Prem explained. 

"Me too, " Bright quickly responded. 

"Me three, " I despised the idea of sleeping between these two who snore loudly. 

Knot had a rough night when he slept with these two during our team building last year. He was assigned in a room with them. The following day, he was very restless and very temperamental because Prem and Bright snored the entire night.

"I am the captain so I can demand." I told them arrogantly, I don't wanna rub my position on their faces but they left me with no choice. 

"Don't use that card on us now, Arthit." I walked out but they both howled me back instantly.

"Fine, fine. You won't really cut me some slack, huh?" I rolled my eyes. Still panting, "Rock, paper, scissor then? "

"Okay, " they said in unison. 

"Just once and the loser will sleep in the middle. " Bright said. 

"Okay, okay. Whatever floats your boat. " I told them, rolling my eyes once again. 

We gathered around. Like we usually  do, we put our hands inside our pocket and yelled together.




They both opted paper and I went for the rock. 

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