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I was finishing Haikyu so it took me longer to update. Thank you for waiting. :)

Arthit's POV


I stopped from walking.

I gave him a questioning look.

A sly smile never left his face. "Do you not remember having a good time with me?"

My brow raised.

"Huh?" It doesn't ring a bell.

His smile grew even wider.

"When was this?"

"Next weekend,"

I should have known.

I should have known he was up to this teasing again.

"The answer is no,"

"Come on it's just hanging out,"

"No," then carried on heading out the door.

I was glad I caught the elevator right on time where it almost closed.

When I reached my room, I ran to my laundry basket.

I searched for the basketball short that I wore yesterday.

Throwing every piece of clothes I see as soon as I saw it wasn't what I was looking for.

When I finally found it, I ran to my bedside table and took my phone.

So much for your "no" earlier, Arthit.

Before proceeding with my plan, I reminded myself.

You're doing this as a gratitude for feeding you today.

No more. No less.

I look at the paper with Kongpob's number in it.

Then, I composed a message.

Message sent to Kongpob.

I crawled back to bed, thinking about him until I drifted off.  

Kongpob's POV

I followed him with a glance as he strode out of my dorm.

I couldn't help but smile.

I wanted to prolong his misunderstanding of me and Sahit being together just so he could stop liking her.

So he would give up to the idea of him having a chance of being together with her.

I don't like it.


I just don't like it.

I was about to clean the counter where we both shared a meal  when my phone's ringtone filled the kitchen.

It was sitting on the cupboard so I reached up for it.

It was from an unknown number.

Thank you for the meal.
I'll repay you for it. Next Sunday, my treat.


My smile grew even wider.

It felt like it will eternally stain my lips.

How could I not when he vehemently declined earlier?

My mind wandered to how I bumped into him this morning.

I was on my way to meet my parents but when I got on the elevator, even with his head down, I was able to recognize him.

I just moved in the building because this is the closest to the university.

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