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Arthit's POV

"Kongpob?" "Arthit?"

We said simultaneously.

I saw his eyes widen.

He was clearly as dumbfounded as I was.

He looked like he just took a shower because his hand was on his head with a towel in it.

He was topless and his pants was loosely hugging on his waist.

"What the heck are you doing here?" I asked.

"I should be the one asking you that," he quickly remarked.

It struck me.

Is he?

Is he the person Sahit's going to introduce?

The boyfriend?

I shook the thought away.


That can't be.

I must have knocked on the wrong room.

I checked it one more time.


It was definitely this one.

But why is he here?

I will have to call Sahit.

"There must be some mistake. Sorry." I slipped my phone out from my pocket to call Sahit when I heard someone called out my name.

"Arthit!" Sahit exclaimed cheerfully.

Kongpob was shoved backwards when Sahit ran to me.

She looked like she just got up from the bed, hair disheveled but still a sight to behold.

I was caught off guard when he enveloped me in her arms firmly.

"I missed you, " she murmured.

I stole a glance at Kongpob.

His face looked calm but his eyes were showing me otherwise.

After quite a while, she broke her embrace.

At the corner of my eyes, I saw Kongpob sauntered away but Sahit was quick enough to cease him.

She clung her arms around Kong's shoulder.

She grabbed the towel on his head and she beamed brightly. "Kongpob, this is Arthit. Remember, the bestest friend I was talking about? "

I peered at Kongpob.

I caught him already looking at me.

He never even bothered to look away.

Was he jealous? In the way he stare, he looked like he was.

He must be jealous.

I smirked inside.

What could Sahit possibly like in him?

First, he is annoying.

Second, he is very annoying.

And lastly, he is quite annoying.

"Him? " gone was the usual smiling Kongpob.

This man looked brooding.

He must love Sahit very much for him to feel threatened.

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