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Arthit's POV

Our lips moving against each other developed a mad rhythm. Every time our tongue crashed, a hot jolt travel across my spine yielding an unbearable pleasure.

All the little fibers of sanity left in me vanished into thin air.

My strength to hold back weakened - I guess I kiss my sweet sanity goodbye.

I grabbed his hair hastily deepening the kiss, my moans were getting hungrier by the moment - sounding less of me.

He pulled back, our lips parted. I moaned in protest helplessly chasing Kong's lips but the latter was quick to dodge.

"Let's go home, " his voice was hoarsed and his breathing heavy while he tucked me in his shoulder.


I like the sound of it.

I could barely remember the ride back to my apartment.

But as soon as he opened the door, I pushed him against it caused a loud thud.

He barely had a moment to react before I slammed my lips against his. I placed my palm below his ears and pulled him closing the little space between us.

I pressed my tongue to the seam of his swollen lips. I waited no further for he gave me access in no time - I delved into it.

His hands were on my waist, tugging my shirt up to touch my skin underneath. Every touch, leaving an almost electric jolt that traversed all the way to my lower abdomen.

I needed to breath no matter how I abhor the idea of detaching myself from his addictive mouth.

As I gasped for air, I dragged him to my bed and pushed him down. He didn't see it coming so he slumped in the middle of it. "Patience, love. " he said in a breathy and teasing voice.

He was breathing hard as I choke on my breaths. How can he be so calm when I saw the need in his eyes as clear as water?

He had his elbows against the bed as a support to watch me as I crawled my way towards him - never leaving each others eyes.

His lips curled up and his eyes was laden with desire and lust. "Are you sure, you wanna do this? "

I smirked, "Don't act as if I am the only one who wants this. " I said, tugging my shirt away while I kneeled in front of him.

"You're still hur-" his words died down in his throat when I shut him with my lips as I pressed my body as close as the space would allow.

If he was surprised I couldn't tell for he wrapped his arms around my back pulling me even closer instantly.

He flipped us in one swift move - him on top in no time. He kissed my eyes, my ears, my neck and sucked my nipples. The unnatural ache I feel inside intensified, I grabbed his hair so hard like my life depended on it.

As I was getting in the verge of ecstasy, Kong pulled away. He spared so much time undressing us - the anticipation was killing me.

When he finally had us completely rid of our garments, I pulled him quickly and kissed him. The position gave him a perfect access to rub his groin to my thigh.

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