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Arthit's POV

"Earth to Arthit, earth to Arthit. " it was Bright. We were waiting for the others to join us.

We were in the university cafeteria when I spaced out. "I'm sorry? " I gave him an apologetic look.

I was still trying to recall what happened that night. It was nearly three weeks ago but I couldn't get it off my mind.

I was still unsure if something really happened. My whole body was aching after that night. It took me days to heal the bruises on my legs.

I've never seen the guy ever since. And if ever I would run into him I don't think I'd be able to recognize him because I barely remember his face.

All I know was the guy left an impression on me. Whether good or bad, I couldn't fathom.

"You okay,  man? " he asked furtively. "Wait,  did you find yourself a girlfriend while we aren't here? " He inquired.

"Tsk, " I twitched the corner of my mouth.

I wanted to ask Bright if it was possible not to remember a single thing after doing the deed when you're drunk.

But I knew better.

It won't be a good idea considering how talkative this friend of mine is.

"What were you saying? " I asked again.

"Forget it, " He said. "Anyway, coach asked us to hold a try-out for freshmen as soon as possible so we could train them for the national competition."

"Ha? I mean, yeah. He told me about it too. " I was chosen to be the team captain this year so I was given the responsibility to do the initial try-out.

The national competition was just around the corner. The best of the best were there. Last season,  we barely made it to the finals but lucky enough to get the second place. This time,  we aim to get the championship.

The regional championship was good for us but as a player you would always aim to be on top. To be on top,  means winning not only the regional but also the national.

"What's bothering you? " asked Bright. He was being suspicious of me.

"Nothing, " I said.

His mouth perked up, creating a look that he wasn't buying my reason.

"Nothing, really. " I tried to convince him.

"If you-" He was cut off by a woman's voice.

"Hi, " it took Bright's attention from me. "Hmm, A-arthit." she shyly said.

For the first time, I was glad to be approached by a woman because I knew Bright won't cease asking questions until he gets the information he wanted to hear.

I turned to the woman with a wide smile on my face. "Yes?"

"Is it okay if we te-take a picture together? " she stuttered.

Normally,  I would say no. It made women reluctant to ask most of the time but others would still try it.

After winning the inter-school regional basketball tournament last year and I was chosen as the season MVP. There were some women trying to hit on me.

Most of them were conspicuous about it. I wasn't really into that kind of attention so I'd politely say no and give them a cold stare afterwards.

But since I was especially grateful to this woman, I nodded. "Give me your phone, "

She gave it and I took our photo together. "Thanks,  Arthit."

I smiled and nodded. I saw her blushed and quickly turned her back and left.

Bright tapped my shoulder. "You are a celebrity now, team captain. "

I chuckled shyly. I'll never get used to that attention and I will never ever want that kind of attention from girls.

Aside from Sahit,  so far nobody got my interest yet.

Sahit. I shook my head,  don't let your mind wander that far again. I warned myself.

"We should put up a booth in our campus where women can take a picture with you for 1000 baht. What do you think? " he suggested with enthusiasm.

My expression turned sour.

"I didn't know you're into business but spare me,  Bright. " I dismissed his idea immediately.

He laughed. "We're going to get lots of money you know. It is about time to put that face of yours into use." he touched my chin.

I tapped his hands off my chin. "You made it sound like I am useless. Thanks for the compliment, man. " I said sarcastically.

He busted out laughing. "Let's try to earn money from that. "

"No,  thanks. I'm not that poor yet. How about we sell yours,  instead? " I dared him.

"Well, this is exclusive for the women I am flirting with. " he said proudly.

"Haha, come on. Maybe, you mean nobody would dare to buy? " I joked.

His expression went from being overbearing to being annoyed. "How dare you belittle this handsome face of mine. " he tried to hit me but I was quick to dodge.

I laughed out loud. "Where are they anyway? Call them. " I switched the topic. I was becoming impatient waiting for them.

"No need. Speaking of the devils " he used his lips to point the entrance.

I turned to look at where he was pointing. I was glad to see them. I saw Knot and Prem entering the cafeteria, they were ostensibly not alone.

They were busy seriously having a conversation with a freshman.

I wondered what these two were up to.

Prem seemed engrossed in trying to point out something to the guy. The latter nodded and he seemed to be processing everything the two was saying.

I shifted my gaze to the freshman in the middle.

He seemed to be carefully listening to what Knot and Prem were saying.

He was lean and probably taller than me.

He had his hair neatly pushed up and his eyeglasses complemented his looks.

He looked pleasant and formidable at the same time.

He was wearing our university's uniform but he looked dashing in it.

Why the heck am I checking him out?

Apparently, I wasn't the only one checking him out. Some women had their eyes locked on him as well.

Others were whispering to each other while looking at his direction.

These women are impossible. I thought  to myself.

I looked at the guy once more.

I was surprised to see him already looking at me. He had his gaze piercing through me.

Our eyes met, his stare unperturbed. The corner of his mouth twitched creating a conceited curve.

There was something in his smile.

It gave off a feeling of familiarity and sense of incomprehensible notion.

Whatever it was,  it was definitely something I wouldn't like.

I felt like this wasn't the first time I saw this man.

Where could I have possibly met him?

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