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Arthit's POV 

I didn't know why but I felt like there were butterflies in my stomach.

I kept a stern look despite the different emotions I was keeping inside.

I looked at his hand on my elbow. "Wh-why would I avoid you?" I questioned.

"So what were you doing?"

"I wasn't doing anything,"

He pulled me closer to him. "Really? So if I tell Bright you changed your mind and want to be with me instead,  you won't mind?"

Want to be with you? I couldn't help but to overthink about it.

"Kong, we already have--" I shut my mouth when he I saw him smirked and he gave me a not-ignoring-me-look-huh. I sighed heavily, "fine."

"Good," he chortled. "Here," he pressed a bottle of cold water on my cheek.

I took it at once then he left.

How does he know what I needed every time?

Moreover, I felt like I was cheated to be paired up with him.

I just dug my own hole again.

"Bright,  you play with Ton. I'll play with Kong instead,"

"Arthit make up your mind quick. " he squeaked.

I chuckled, "that's final. "

"Captain, " I saw Ton walked towards me. Bright was quick to meet him midway and snaked his arms around his neck.

"Uh oh, we're partners." I heard him say and dragged Ton with him.

"Let's start! Do you all have your partners? " coach yelled.

Everyone gathered around coach and shouted 'yes coach' in sync. I knew Kong was behind me so I casually took him by the wrist and led him to the group.

When I realized what I did, I quickly let go of his hand but he was quicker to hold it with his other hand firmly.

I tried my best to free my hand but he was stronger with both his hands.

We were at the back part of the group so nobody could see he was holding my hands behind.

"Let go, " I said,  gritting my teeth. I tried to keep my voice as low as possible.

"Never, " the hair on my nape stood. He was very close behind me that I felt his breathing on my head.

"Kong!" I knew he was enjoying how pissed I was.

He stepped closer and held my hand tightly behind me and whispered. "Anyway, I am taking back what I said last night. "

"You don't like me? " It was the first thought that came in my mind. "I-ii a-m glad, that's good. Yes, that's good. " it sounded like I was convincing myself that it was really good but my mind was apparently screaming otherwise.

I felt his hand gripped me even tighter. "I like you, " my heart halted. He paused before speaking again. "I really really like you, Arthit. " he said it slowly and clearly. "That even if you ask me to go away, I won't. I can't. If you don't like me yet , I will continue to pursue you until you finally do."

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