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Arthit's POV 

I slowly stepped towards the familiar silhouette of him from afar.

"Kong? " I was surprised to see him here but gladdened at the same time.

My heart was wildly thumping, it was satiated with overwhelming feeling.

I tried to compose myself.

I can't be too reckless.

He slowly open his eyes, waking up from his slumber. "Arthit?" he said, scratching his eyes.

He seemed disoriented.

I bit my lip to refrain myself from smiling.

I love this person.

The more I look at him the more my feelings grow fonder.

It felt like I found my oasis after a long search for it.

Was he waiting for me the entire time I was waiting for him? 

He never knew how relieved I was to see him there.

I felt like a huge stone was taken out from my heart that has been burdening me.

I tried to restrain myself from doing anything. 

I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of him.

He looked weary and sleepy, he had traced of dark under eyes.

Maybe we both need a shuteye.

I walk past him as he stood up. 

He swept me with a glance,  he seemed agitated - trying to test the waters.

He was keenly observing me.

"This is a doorway,  not your bedroom. " I said coldly, taking out the keys in my pocket. 

"Chon is just a friend, " he sounded so desperate to make me believe. "I just need to drop her to her hotel but I drove my way here quickly after." 

I exhaled audibly to keep myself from grinning.

So he waited indeed. So if I went straight here, we could have seen each other earlier than this.

But he's here, I think there's no sense to cry over spilt milk.

There is no need to hurry.

We have our time.

I opted not to answer. My mind couldn't come up with anything.

I felt like it just didn't matter anymore.

He is here.

He isn't in Chon's hotel.

That's all that matters.

I was really just glad and I didn't want to talk about anything.

My mind was so uneasy while I was looking for him. Now,  I am at peace.

And I am too exhausted to say anything.

I am too sleepy to argue but my heart was so serene.

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