Tall Tales

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caution: contains the spanking of two salty hunters

Bobby stared down at the two he considered to be sons. All this bickering and fighting just needed to stop, so they could focus on the actual issue. He was frustrated that they couldn't see what was right in front of them, so freaking obvious it might bite them in the nose. So maybe they never heard of a trickster before, but they didn't need to be taking it out on each other the whole time. At least now, they were working together again.

Dean turned to Sam with a resigned look on his face. "What human do we know that's been at ground zero this whole time?"

Sam's face morphed from confused to recognization. "The janitor!"

There ya go, ya idjits.

Later after  the insane show of stabbing the Trickster, and making out without being caught, the brothers and Bobby went to the motel to clean up their belongs. The boys sat in comfortable silence with each other, but Bobby felt unsettled, staring out the window. What would John do in that situation? Well, hell, he knew exactly what John would've done. The question was, should he? The boys trusted him, and he liked to think that he was at least some sort of father figure, whatever the hell that meant.

"Bobby?" Sam asked, half turned in the passenger seat. "Are you coming?'

Bobby had been so out of it, he hadn't realized that they had arrived at the motel. Dean was already unlocking the door. Bobby slid out of the Impala, and patted her gently. Sam offered a smile, and followed Dean inside.

"They aren't gonna like it. But I suppose it has to be done." Bobby said to himself as he followed them inside.

Dean was already packing, clothes and weapons spread out across the bed. Bobby glanced to see what looked like a wooden stake, but flatter. He frowned, and realized it was a Branch Of Asgard. Well, not killing any more gods today, so it would do the job nicely.

"And you should've seen the girls though. Damn, if we had more time." Dean shot his trade mark smirk towards his little brother. "Two of them. One for you...one for-"

"Listen up." Bobby said, interrupting what he was sure was something very inappropriate. Dean frowned at him, but Bobby continued. "I'm not impressed with what I found here today."

Dean's shoulders sank a little, and Sam scratched the back of his head, sitting down on the bed. "I know Bobby, it was a mess."

"But no harm, no foul. Right?" Dean added, shrugging.

"I don't think so." Bobby glared at him. "You two are hunters. This is your job."

"The Trickster was messing with us, you said that yourself." Sam pointed out, his tone frustrated.

"Look, I get that working with your brother can be hard." Bobby looked to Sam now. "But at the end of the day, you two need to be there for each other. It's too dangerous to do this when you are at odds."

"We know that." Sam answered, looking to Dean.

"Do you? Because all I know is that it looks like you have been wrestling in here. There are people dying, and you are upset about your tires?"

"Hey now." Dean held up his hand. "Don't bring Baby into this, it's not her fault." He plopped down on the sofa and pointed at Bobby.

Sam rolled his eyes, and then stood up. "We do understand. We won't let it happen again."

"It won't happen again." Bobby agreed. "But I'm going to give you a little reminder to encourage that."

Sam looked confused, but Dean, recognizing the tone, suddenly looked nervous. "Uh Bobby, I don't think that's necessary."

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