How To Spank A Angel

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Warning: as the title suggests this story contains the spanking of a angel (and Sammy). Also for viewers who haven't watched Season 5 or beyond, there are a few spoilers. 😉



It had begun to snow lightly. Dean swore quietly, and flicked on his wipers. The drive to the bunker seemed longer than ever at night, and he was tired. Bone tired. The kind of tired that made you want to just pull the car over, and grab a blanket and snooze for four hours. The thought had crossed his mind a few times now, but he didn't know how low the temperature would drop, and figured it wouldn't be worth freezing.

"I'm just saying, I've would've gone the other way."

Dean sighed. His brother Sam, was in the passenger seat, one arm behind his head, against the headrest, his eyes were closed. They've all had a long day. And by all, it was his little brother, and Cas in the car as well. Taking on a three shapeshifters had proved to be very tiresome, and definitely messy. Dean wanted to dump a whole bottle of shampoo on his hair to scrub out the dried crusted blood and various other goop.

"I know what you would've done. And that's why I didn't do it."

"What do you mean by that?" Sam's eyes popped opened, and he turned his head to look behind him at the dirty angel in the backseat.

"I mean..." And Dean could detect the starting notes of sarcasm in his best friend's voice. "Your example is not one that many would follow."

"What?" Sam exclaimed.

"Do I really have to repeat it?"

Dean closed his eyes briefly. How can one be this tired at night, with the snowfall picking up, the flakes falling faster now. "Guys, come on."

"My example?" Sam snorted. "I'm not the bad guy here."

" I am?" Cas definitely sounded put out. Dean wondered if something else was going on with his friend. When they got to a place where they could chat, he would pull him aside and seeing how Cas was doing. "You think of me as a villain, Sam?"

"No, not currently. But who knows when that will change?"

Dean shot his brother an annoyed look. "Sam, tone it down." His head was starting to throb, and if his brother and Cas were going to fight, the ache was only going to get worse.

Sam shifted in his seat, his whole demeanor was frustrated. Dean got it. He was exhausted too, but he wasn't taking it out Cas. "Sorry." Sam muttered, and stared straight ahead, crossing his arms over his chest. Maybe he would fall asleep, Dean thought, hopefully.

There was some shifting in the backseat, and Dean glanced behind him to see Cas was doing the whole angry glaring out the window thing too. Dean faced the front again, and began looking for signs for motels. It was late, and he didn't want to ask Sam to drive if his brother was tired like he was.

"We have all lied to each other in this car." Cas spoke up, and now Dean could tell he was definitely angry. "But why does it continue to hang over my head, and not yours?"

"Cas, you know we've forgiven you." Dean spoke up, trying smooth down the situation before it got out of hand. "Just like you forgiven me for all the times I've messed up. Right Sam?" His brother proceeded to stare out the window, silent. Dean rolled eyes. "Anyways, it's in the past. We are a team now."

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