Double, Double Toil and Trouble

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caution: contains the spanking of a grumpy Moose, and a wayward Jack. also, DestielAU where Castiel Lorde is raising his twins with the help of the Winchesters, the sequel to Getaway Car


"Am I forgetting anything?" 

Jack Lorde resisted the urge to roll his eyes. This was the fifth time his sister had asked this question, and he was starting to get frustrated. Ally, his twin sister, stood in the middle of his room, her hands on her hips, looking pensively at her suitcase that was taking up most of his bedroom floor. She resembled Jack in many ways, the blonde hair, bright blue eyes, lean figure which they both got from their mother, but that's where the similarities ended.

"Gee, I don't know, Ally. Maybe it would help if you, oh, I don't know, maybe double check in your OWN room." The sarcasm practically dripped from his tone, but he was past caring.

Ally frowned, tucking her hair behind her ears. It had taken Jack a little bit to adjust to her recent chop. Usually her hair was tied back in high pony that went to the middle of her back. It was great for keeping her hair out of the way for sports, but now her hair length ended at her chin, and soft bangs framed her face. She looked completely different, but still amazing. That was the magic of his twin. Jack was convinced she could've shaved her head, and still have the whole school wanting to follow her footsteps. Although the hair was shorter now, Jack could still smell the Coconut Raspberry scent wafting towards him. She loved trying odd and ends blends for her hair.

"Just because you are grounded doesn't mean you have to take it out on me." She said simply, offering a smirk.

Jack rolled his eyes, grabbing his pillow. "It's MY room. Your stuff is in YOUR room. Just go away already."

"How's the packing going?"

The twins looked towards the doorway where their father stood, leaning against the frame, his arms crossed over his chest. He had a slight smile on his face, the lines crinkling gently around his blue eyes. Jack never thought of his dad as aging, but sometimes it hit him how much trouble two teenagers could be.

Ally pulled out a piece of paper from her back pocket of her jean shorts, and peered at it. "I think I got everything on the list, but it feels like I'm missing something."

Jack shook his head. Of course she had a list. Because perfection counted the little things now as well as the big.

Castiel caught the motion, and gave him an observant gaze. Jack swallowed, looking down at his hands. He was aware he was being short with his sister, but she had chosen to walk into the beehive willingly. Sometimes when you tempt fate, you are gonna get stung. Castiel frowned at the expression that on Jack's face, and raised an eyebrow.

"Is there a problem here?"

Ally sent Jack a look. "No, not really. I just wanted to spend some time with Jack before leaving, but he's being grumpy AF."

"AF?" Cas questioned.

"Don't ask." Jack sighed. "And I wouldn't be grumpy if she would just leave me alone. You'll only be gone a week. You've had slumber parties that have lasted longer."

She gave their dad such a "see what I mean" look that the room practically shook.

"Ally, how about you go make sure your room is clean before leaving?" Cas ushered his daughter out before closing the door behind her. 

Jack interested himself in picking at a loose thread on the quilt, avoiding eye contact. He hated the feeling that was stirring inside of him, but he didn't know how to tell his dad. How could one just simply talk about their feelings? It seemed so freaking easy for Ally, but then again, everything was easy for his sister. She was the kind of person who floated through life, always a smile on her face. Jack felt like he couldn't compete with her. 

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