Wish I May, Wish I Might

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caution: contains the spankings of Sam Winchester and Castiel, Angel of The Lord. possible trigger warning: due to the folklore, Cas does have to kill himself to wake up. also: implied sexual scene, non graphic, of course :)

The old hotel building was a lot creepier than Castiel had imagined it would be. The silent halls, and eerie wall paper had him on edge. He never understood why humans made some of the decorating choices that they did. It seemed all for naught, and huge pale roses plastered all over the wall, complimented by the red velvet carpet seemed like a dire choice. And what was with the little tiny bell that set on the desk? Was it to be rung? Or simply observed? 

Dean would know. Cas felt a stab of guilt as he thought of his best friend, still asleep in the motel room where Cas had left him hours ago. Dean had warned him not to come alone, had told him how dangerous this creature was. It was unnerving to see Dean hesitate about a hunt, especially a creature he had hunted before. The Winchester brother only told the bare minimum when it came to Djinns. 

"It's a godlike creature." Was all Dean had to say on the matter. "It has blue magic hands and eyes, and you kill it with a silver knife dipped in lambs blood."

It wasn't very forthcoming. And what creature was godlike? It was something he had to see for himself, as God was his own father, and Cas had never seen anything else to compare.

He walked slowly through the hallway, his shoes pressing down into the soft velvet floors. It was very uncomfortable silence, one that was full of secrets. He understood why the Djinn would settle for this place. The complete quiet, the easy entrapment of unsuspecting victims, and as many rooms as you could ever want to stash your prey, it was perfect.

 There was a door with a blue shimmering light behind it. Cas halted right before entering, making sure his angel blade was good and ready, the tip already soaked in the blood of a lamb. Luckily, the Winchesters had some stored up from the last time they had faced the Djinn. Briefly, Cas wondered what had happened to make Dean so mysterious about it. Probably had to do with Sam, and his brother almost dying. Most of Dean's nightmares involved that, not that Cas could judge. The Winchesters had been through way more than an normal siblings have been through.

As he pushed open the door, something moved in the shadows, almost to quick for Cas to see. He tensed, looking around. The center of the room was taken up by a large body of water, dark and murky from the long time of non use. Cas frowned as he looked around. Something wasn't right in this room, it felt as if there was a dark evil, a presence that was lurking around the corner. For the first time, Cas began to wish he had waited for Dean as instructed. 

Too late now.

The blow to the back of the head came from nowhere it seemed, and as Cas struggled to regain his footing, he saw the Djinn for the first time. Dean had been right to be hesitant. If the glowing blue eyes weren't enough, the strange markings that covered him from his head to foot, and the blue hand were enough to send fear straight to Cas's heart. He struggled to stand, but the Djinn easily knocked him back down again, a hand around his neck. Cas kicked as hard as he could, but it was too no avail. The Djinn it seemed had a supernatural strength as well to it's other attributes, and with a single strike, Cas's knife went flying across the room.

Cas looked to the side, trying to gauge how far the swimming pool was. He didn't know how to swim, but it was the only escape plan available to him. He began to roll towards the side, teetering over the edge, still holding the Djinn's hand at bay. The Djinn bared his teeth startling Cas into letting go. Just as the Djinn lowered his hand on Cas's forehead, Cas gave one last hard tug, falling into the darkness of the water.

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