Press Rewind

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caution: contains the spankings of minors. 


Dean Winchester slowly worked his way through the house now quiet house, shutting off all the lights, and double-checking that the doors were locked. Satisfied, he cracked his neck, leaning against the kitchen table to take a breath. It was only nine PM, but he felt like he had run a marathon. His muscles were sore, and his hand ached from earlier.

Shoving off the table, he glanced down and paused on seeing the wooden spoon lying there. His heart stuttered, remembering the look in his son's eyes as the boy had brought it to him, the emotions flittering over his sorrowful face. Dean swallowed, reaching for the spoon. As his fingers closed around it, he looked to the stairs where Ryan had taken off, in a flood of tears, and the way the door slammed, shaking the walls of the house.

Dean sighed, putting the spoon back in the drawer, and switched the light off.  He hesitated once more, closing his eyes before taking a breath and walking up the stairs. The anxiety spiked once he saw his husband, Castiel sitting crossed legged, a book propped in his lap, his back against the wall beside Ryan's door. He looked up, upon hearing Dean's soft footsteps approaching.

"Is he alright?" Dean asked quietly. From inside the room, he could plainly hear the muffled sound of crying.

Cas, looking as tired as Dean felt, nodded. "He's been crying, but it's not the "something is really wrong, I need help" crying." He gave Dean a comforting smile, his blue eyes kind. Dean swallowed back a lump of emotion as Castiel reached up, squeezing his hand. "He's not mad at you. Neither am I."

Damn it. 

Dean sniffed, looking down the hall, hoping his eyes wouldn't betray him. "I hated doing that."

"I know you did." Castiel tugged on the taller man's hand, and with a sigh, Dean sat down, his knee bumping his husband's in a comforting way. "I hate seeing the two I love most upset."

Swiping his eyes, Dean looked down at the red carpet that lined the upstairs. It hadn't been his idea to get carpet, but Castiel had loved the color, and nothing could beat seeing the smile on that man's face when he was happy.

"I didn't want him to be alone with his tears." Cas said now, glancing towards the door, his brow furrowed at listening to their son sniffling in the other room. "The way he slammed the door-"

"I know." Dean reached out and squeezed Cas's shoulder. After years of knowing him, Dean knew exactly what was going through his angel's mind. "He didn't mean what he said."

It was Cas's turn to look down, shutting his book, using his complimentary tissue, despite the continued gifts of bookmarks every year. "He was so angry, Dean. I've never seen him that way before."

Dean nodded, his heart aching now for his family. It was never easy punishing someone, but especially when the whole family felt like it. He took a breath, glancing at the door. "Did I ever tell you about the time I first spanked Sammy?" Dean intentionally raised his voice, as to be heard over the sniffles in the other room.

Castiel looked confused as to why his husband was speaking so loud when he was right next to him, but as usual, he went with it. "No?"

The oldest Winchester leaned against the wall, propping his one knee up, while his other leg stretched out on the red floor, and leaned his head back. "It actually reminds me a lot of Ryan."

"It does?" Cas glanced at the door again. Either Dean was imagining it, or the sniffles had gotten quieter. 

"It does." Dean sighed. "He was Ryan's age, and I was fourteen, but you know, I thought I was practically an adult at the age."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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