Into The Woods

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caution: contains the use of a switch on the brothers Winchester backsides. also: contains the use of suppositories.


"Dean, did you hear that?" Sam sat up in his sleeping bag, listening carefully. Something had startled him awake, but now he could only hear his heartbeat, and the usual sounds of the woods. He looked around him, wondering if he should unzip the tent, and poke his head out. "Dean?"

His brother stirred in the sleeping bag beside him, rolling over with a moan. Sam shook him hard with his hand, hating how shaky he felt. "Dean! Wake up."

"What! Sammy!" Dean jerked awake, looking around him. When it was clear that they weren't in any immediate danger, Dean relaxed, propping up on his elbow. "What, man? I was dreaming of Vegas, and girls, but there was an all you can eat buffet, and damn-"

"Dean." Sam interrupted before he found out anymore about his brother's disturbing sex dreams. "There something out in the woods."

"No dip, Sherlock." Dean groused, laying back down. "That's why it's called the woods."

"Hey." Sam smacked him again, fielding off his brother's returning slap. "It woke me up. I feel...unsettled."

Not one for extreme dramatic gestures, Dean sat up, giving Sam the benefit of the doubt. His brother rarely wigged out on things like that, so something must've disturbed him enough to wake. "Is Bobby awake? Maybe he's outside or something."

Sam gave him a strange look.

"Well, you know what I mean. When you gotta go, you gotta go."

Sam was about to reply to this when a strange calling noise filled the air for a brief second before going completely quiet. If you weren't on alert, you would've missed it. Sam straightened up, turning his eyes to his brother in shock.

"Did you-"

"Yeah," Dean climbed out of his sleeping bag, listening again. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know." Sam breathed. He couldn't tell if he was relieved or spooked now that they heard it again. "I don't know."

Dean began pulling on his jeans, and grabbed his jacket. "Wait..what are you doing?" Sam asked, alarmed as his brother stuck his feet into his boots and began tying. 

"I'm going to check it out."

"Hell no." Sam said adamantly. "We have no idea what's out there, and Bobby will kill us."

"Bobby won't kill us. He'll just make us wish we were dead." Dean gave his contagious grin at his brother, knowing that it would work. 

"Oh, like that's so much better."

"It is in my book." Dean finished dressing. "Now are you coming or what?"


Ten minutes later, the brothers snuck out of the tent. Sam crouched to zip up the tent, while Dean snuck over to the Impala, opening the back, looking for their guns and weapons. Sam watched Bobby's tent on the other side of the campfire for any signs of movement. When there were none, Sam followed Dean into the woods, armed and ready for anything.

"So what's the plan?" Sam whispered, stumbling over a root.

Dean didn't answer, shining his flashlight through the thick branches. Sam, followed his brother's example and fell silent as they made their way towards where they thought the calling noise was coming from. The only sounds in the forest where crunching leaves beneath their footsteps, creatures darting in and out of the trees, and their breath that seemed ridiculously heightened.

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