Trust Fall

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caution: contains spanking.


"Do you trust me?"

Dean stared at the man standing on the other side of the room, feeling shaken beyond his core, and oddly enough, close to tears. It had been a hell of a day, and he felt like he couldn't take anymore. But at the end of the day, there was an angel in his bedroom, his total focus on him. Sam probably sent Cas in knowing that the angel would be able to get more out of him than he would.

"Damnit, Cas. I just want to lay down."

Cas tilted his head to the side, the way he did when he was trying to understand something. Dean paused, thinking that it couldn't that hard to understand he was tired, especially with the way he was feeling, and then it hit him. Cas wasn't confused about his exhaustion. He was trying to read Dean's emotion.

No wonder the angel was staring at him like that. Dean couldn't really imagine trying to navigate through the years of grief, sorrow and angry, but Castiel looked as if he was doing okay. Dean shifted slightly, his eyes going to the bed, wishing for all the world he could just curl up and go to sleep.

"Do you trust me?'


"You know I do." He allowed, running a hand over his shoulder. Sam had always been great with stitching him up, especially with years of practice. Despite the bandaging, it still stung like a hive of bees anytime he shifted it.

Cas stepped forward, his blue eyes calm, focused on Dean's. The angel always had a presence that terrified him, but also comforted him. "Do you trust me enough to take care of you?"

Dean fidgeted again. He was a grown man, he could take care of himself. Also, he had a sneaking suspicion that Cas was talking about a different kind of "taking care of". Not that he didn't deserve it of course, but it wasn't like he was looking forward to it.

Cas sensed his hesitation, and a look of understanding crossed his face. "You know your transgressions, Dean."

Biting back the urge to sigh loudly, Dean fixed Cas with a annoyed look. "If you're gonna do, just do it. I have sleep to catch up, and my shoulder hurts like a bitch."

The angel narrowed his eyes as he crossed the room towards Dean. Dean watched warily as Cas put his hand out, and touched the shoulder. For a hot second, Dean felt heat, but then the pain faded away. "Does that feel better?"

Dean's eyes widened, and he quickly bared his shoulder. Sure enough, the skin was unbroken, and the stitches had dissolved. "Th...Thank you."

Cas nodded his welcome. "Dean, I know you are tired. The last thing you want to talk about is why you are feeling guilty, but you and I both know how your mind works. You will not get a wink of sleep until we take care of this, and you know how."

The older Winchester gaped at Cas, stunned. Cas was known for his lack of filtering, but this was a whole new level. " are going to spank me?"

"Yes." Cas answered readily, narrowing his eyes in challenge.

"Damn it, Cas. Nothing happened! Everything is fine."

"Everything is NOT fine. I sense your guilt, Dean. You are practically soaked in it. What happened tonight was not your fault, but you need help to let go."

"So beating my ass is going to help with that?"

Cas reached out again, and took a hold of Dean's forearm tightly. Dean stared at him, too shocked even to pull away. When Cas spoke, his voice low and even, sending shivers down the hunter's spine. "Is that what you think this is?"

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