Family Meeting

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caution: contains simple elements of Destiel and spanking of  Sam Winchester and Castiel


Dean took off his headphones in shock, half falling off the bed. Cas stood in front of him, dirty, and his coat was smoldering with black holes in it. Even as Dean was watching, a spark flamed back up on Cas's shoulder, and the angel quickly patted it out stiffly.

"What in holy hell happened?" Dean demanded, still trying to get over the initial shock of Cas just appearing in his bedroom. The bunker wasn't warded against angels, but it was still surprising when someone popped up right in front of you.

"Sam set me on fire." 

Dean's eyes popped open. "What?! He set you on fire?"


Dean felt a wave of anger wash over him. Of course, the fire couldn't harm Cas, but it there really wasn't any good reason for it. Wait... Dean ran his hand down his face in frustration. "Is this because of your stupid feud?"

Cas looked affronted. "I assure you we are not feuding."

"Then what ARE you guys doing? If it's not this, it's that. It's annoying and I'm done."

"Sam is the one who is trying to ruin me. Look at this." Cas gestured at himself.

Dean rolled his eyes. "And what did you do to him?" He watched his best friend process this question. Cas was smart. He knew the rules. Family doesn't lie to each other. After several minutes of Cas just staring at him, he coughed slightly. "Well? I'm waiting."

"I planted a tree in his bedroom."

It took several moments for Dean to convince himself not to laugh out loud. "You planted a tree in his bedroom? Okay." Dean nodded, mostly to himself. He walked over to his drawers full of clothes and pulled out a old Metallica t-shirt and a pair of sweats, tossing them at the angel, who caught them.

"Family meeting." Dean made "let's go" moment with his pointer finger. "You are gonna want to be comfortable. After you change, go sit at the main table and wait for me."

Cas nodded, and began stripping off his coat. Dean shook his head slightly at the angel's ever increasing obedience. It was weird.

After checking Sam's room, and not finding Sam, but in fact finding an apple tree planted in the corner, the roots somehow digging into the floor, he dug through his brother's clothes and found an old soft t-shirt and a similar pair of sweats. He rolled them up, and carried them, figuring he'd check the showers next. Sure enough, there was one shower in the corner blasting on full speed. Dean smirked. Sam was singing softly to himself,  the one weird song that always seemed to be in his head.

He rapped on the frosted glass loudly. Sam didn't respond, and Dean tried to peer in through, only seeing some movement. Dean rapped louder, smiling to himself when the water shut off.

Sam cracked the door open enough for only his head to pop out. "What? There are other showers, Dean."

"We need to talk." Dean crossed his arms over his chest.

"Right now?" Sam glanced around. "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, sorta."

"Wait..." Sam stepped fully out of the shower, and Dean backed up, averting his eyes. He had seen it all before, but it wasn't like he was aching for another glimpse. Sam grabbed a towel, quickly drying off. "Is someone hurt? Do we have another case?"

"It's just Cas." Dean leaned against the wall, gauging his brother's reaction.

"Oh." Sam chewed his lip thoughtfully. "Is he ...hurt? Does he need our help?"

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