Hard Day's Night

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caution: contains the spanking of brothers' Winchester.


Claire Novak sat up with a start, her heart pounding in her the chest. She looked around her dark bedroom, trying to calm herself, but even still, her hands reached for the knife she kept underneath the her pillow. She caught a glimpse of the clock on her night stand, and frowned. It was only 12:05, she realized. As her heart began to slow, she realized what she had heard was the sound of a car pulling in.

Claire rolled her eyes, flopping back down on the bed, inwardly cursing.Living in a house with a sheriff meant getting used to odd coming and goings, especially in the middle of the night, due to the fact that Sioux Falls was an odd place. You never knew what a case would be. Whether a monster, or a drunk and disorderly. She began to snuggle back down in the bed, her fingers loosening on the blade when the door open.

The murmur of voices caught her attention right away, because she recognized them immediately, and her stomach sunk. If the Winchesters were stopping in the middle of the night, something was definitely up. She slipped out of bed, and stooped to pick up the pair of sleep shorts she matched with one of Jody's old High school hoodies that she slept in.

She was reaching for the doorknob when the door was shut firmly down stairs, with more force than usual. She frowned, and quietly opened up her door, trying to see over the landing. Alex's room was a little further down the hall, Claire's being closest to the staircase. Following her instincts, she dropped down to her knees, and crawled out of her room towards the staircase. Although her view was somewhat altered by the second floor, she still had a good view of Winchester brothers, standing in the living room, looking a bit wary, and lost.

Dean was filthy, nearly covered head to toe in mud or some other dark substance. Claire blinked, leaning against the corner. This didn't seem like an urgent matter anymore, seeing as both of the boys were shifting around, acting uncomfortable almost as if...

"So, Dean. Sam. Wanna tell me what the hell you were thinking?"

Claire and the Winchesters flinched in unison at Jody's tone as she came back from the direction of the kitchen with two glasses of water. Dean took the one readily, knocking it back like a shot glass. Sam, who had been extremely quiet, reached out for the other, taking a sip, not taking his eyes off the Jody, still fidgeting slightly.

They are in trouble, Claire realized with a start. She smirked, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder, and pulled her knees up to her chest, wondering just what the hell they could've done that Jody would freak on them.

Dean glanced behind him, and started to back up towards the couch, but Jody stopped him with a finger. "Have you seen yourself? No. Shower first before touching anything clean in this house."

"Yes ma'am." He reached to place the glass down on the coffee table. "I'll go do that-"

"Uh uh." Jody shook her head, and Dean paused halfway, his eyes widening. "I have a few things to say to you, and you both are going to listen to me before we even think about settling for the night."

Sam and Dean shared a look. "O..Okay." Sam spoke first, his voice pacifying.

Jody narrowed her eyes at him, as if she was knew what he was trying to do. "You two are grown men, and I understand you don't need someone tell you what to do. But what you don't understand is that you have people who care about you, even if you don't give a damn about yourselves? Got it?"

"Yes we kno-" Sam started, but Jody held up her hand, cutting him mid sentence.

"Do I look like I'm done?"

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