Deathly Hell-Nos

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caution: contains the spanking of an half angel kid, a disobeying Moose, and a emotionally charged Squirrel. Basically Team Free Will 2.0  gets spanked except for the angel who is back from the dead, again.


"Jack, it's not about being strong. I mean...Look, I don't know what you saw over there and I don't know what you went through. I know it was bad. But I also know that you came out the other side because you are strong. But even when we are strong, man, things are gonna happen. We're gonna make mistakes. Nobody's perfect, right? But we can get better. Everyday, we can get better. So whatever you are dealing with, you know, whatever comes at us, we will figure out a way to deal with it, together. You're family, kid, and we look after our own."

-Let The Good Times Roll (13x23)


The plan was simple. The four would split up, and take the different sides of the property. Sam and Jack on side, and Dean with Cas on the other. The monster was a different story, a silent type, the only one it's kind, it would attack from behind without making a sound. It made the whole situation more dangerous, and Dean was on edge.

"Okay, just stay with Jack. Don't leave him for a second." He had told Sam before they had left, pulling him to the side. 

"Dean, I got it. We will be fine. " Sam had answered simply.

Now that they had come back from the Apocalypse World, Jack had been fully accepted into the hunting circle made up of the Winchesters and Cas. He had more than proven himself, and Dean would never say, but Sam knew he loved Jack like a father, or overprotective big brother, which Sam was completely used to. 

"I mean it, don't leave his side." Dean said. 

"If you are so worried, how about you stay with him, and I'll go with Cas? We will still both have an angel."

Dean frowned. "Don't say it like that."

"Like what?"

"Like they are pets or something."

"Geez, Dean, I didn't even mean it like that. I'm saying, if you want to be paired with Jack because you don't trust me or something..."

"I trust you." Dean corrected him, glaring at him in the way he did when he was getting frustrated. "I just...he responds better with you. I don't want to scare him, or something." The last part was said quickly, but Sam didn't overlook it. He knew how much Dean regretted how he had treated Jack in the first months after Cas had died, and their mother had been trapped in the other world. 

"Dean..." Sam started, wanting to explain how Jack could never hate him for what he had said or done, but Dean shook his head quickly, backing off before Sam could finish.

"It doesn't matter. Just keep a close eye, and Jack!" He called, waiting for the younger man across the yard  with Cas to look over at him. When Jack turned his head finally, Dean pointed at him. "You protect Sam, you hear?"

"Yes, Dean."

"Okay. Let's do this." Dean whirled his finger in the air in a "let's go" motion. 

They split up, Dean and Cas headed for the large abandoned factory on the property, while Sam and Jack went towards the house. Dean only looked back once, watching his younger brother take the lead, Jack following willingly behind. Jack had surprised him. Sure he had an massive amount of power, due to being the son of a archangel and a human, but his character had been pure from the start. Dean had seen so much bad in the world, he hadn't been willing to trust anyone.

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