I Blame You pt 2

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caution: contains the spankings of Sam Winchester and Castiel. also contains elements of Sabriel , underage drinking and smoking and general teenage boy malarky. AU where Sam is 17, Cas is 18 and Dean is 20. Please read the first part, if you haven't already! It will make more sense!


"I'm so dead." Sam Winchester moaned, dropping his head in his hands.

They were sitting outside of the principal's office, waiting to be called. Cas chewed his lip nervously, wondering about his own punishment. His brothers rarely found the need to keep him in line, but a fight at school would probably change that. He glanced at Sam's hands, a bit bloody from the punch he had managed to land before getting caught. His best friend had definitely come out looking worse.

 After a few minutes of quiet, Sam suddenly lifted his head up, looking at Cas alarmed. "Do you think they will still let us play in the lacrosse game tomorrow?" 

"I don't know." Cas said miserably, hating the disappointment in Sam's eyes at the answer. "Hopefully."

"It's the first one of the season, and Dad told me he would be there." Sam tapped his fingers nervously on the edge of his seat. "That is, if he doesn't kill me tonight."

Cas winced. He knew exactly what was in store for Sam. The Winchester family had rules and guidelines that were fairly strict. Especially for a seventeen year old and a nineteen year old. But it was what worked for their family, so Cas couldn't judge. And it was never cruel. He had seen the Winchester boys punished multiple times, and the amount of comforting and love that was shown afterwards always stunned him, especially when he was caught in the mix as well. Sam had a way of pulling him into his schemes, and Cas would find himself over Bobby's lap, a true partner in crime. It made him feel like part of the family.

"Maybe it won't be so bad?" Cas offered weakly.

Sam gave him a dark look. "You've never been paddled before." He lowered his voice so the secretary wouldn't hear him.

"True." Cas admitted.

"Sam Winchester." The principal's door opened, and the Principal herself leaned against the doorframe.

Sam sighed, and stood up, brushing his long bangs out of his face. He winked at Cas in a farewell sort of way, and entered the office, feeling resigned. The principal pointed to the chair, and Sam sat down, gripping the arm chair.

"So Samuel or as you like to be called, Sam Winchester. Seventeen years old, the youngest of your family. You lost your mother about five years ago, correct?"

A pang went straight to Sam's heart. He looked up, completely startled at the woman who was sitting across from him. "What....what does that have to do with anything?"

"And your father is a private investigator? So he is often gone on cases for long periods of time, correct?"

"Why does this matter?" Sam wondered, meeting her steady gaze. 

"I'm just worried about certain behavioral patterns that are forming. This is only the second week of school, and you've already had to altercations with the same student."

"Yeah, because he's a jerk." Sam protested. "Why isn't he in trouble?"

"Because he is currently in the ER." She leaned forward, placing her hands on the desk. "You may have broken his nose. And I've already received a phone call that they are wanting to press charges."

Sam swallowed. He hadn't thought he punched that hard. He glanced down at his fist, still bloody and swollen. There had been a strange noise as his fist connected, but he hadn't had time to consider it because Joey's own fist crashed into his own face right after.

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