Three Times The Charm

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caution: contains spanking of two salty hunters and one wayward angel

"On a scale of 1 to ten, ten being the mad do you think Bobby is gonna be?" Sam rubbed the back of his neck.

They were standing in what was left of Bobby's kitchen, in the aftermath of pure chaos. The windows had blown from the inside out, so only a few shards were lying on the floor, but dishes were broken in heaps on the floor that was still smoking in a few places. Sam knelt down, picking up the spell book off the floor. It was worse for wear, burnt spots on the pages.

His brother, Dean, kicked a half broken bowl aside, and picked up a broken picture frame that had found it's way to the floor. "Oh, we are so dead. Deader than dead."

"Why is ten the worst?"

The brothers both looked at Castiel, who was standing in the corner, looking at the damage solemnly. Dean sighed, shaking his head a bit, and began to scoop up pieces of the shattered dishes. The other two followed suit, trying to clean up the mess on hand. It was quiet for the better part of an hour, until Dean finally sighed.

"Sam, why in hell did you think was a good idea?"

"It wasn't my idea!" Sam protested. "It was Cas!" He pointed at the angel. "He's the one who suggested we do the freakin spell in the first place."

Cas narrowed his eyes at Sam. "I was only trying to help."

"Guys. Enough." Dean kicked a smoldering piece in frustration. "It was all our fault. Cas had the dumb idea. Sam stole the stupid book that he's been dying to get his hands on ANYWAYS, and I let you two idiots do it. We are all to blame." He walked out the doorway, where the door had been blown off it's hinges.

Sam watched him go, and then put out an arm to stop Cas as the angel made to follow the older brother. "Trust me, you'll want to leave him alone."

"He's upset." Cas said.

"Yup." Sam said, shortly, bending over to pick up more of the pieces. "Mostly at himself."

"But why? It wasn't his fault?"

Sam put down his trash bag that was almost over flowing, and studied the angel. "He blames himself. If we would've been hurt, he would've taken that on himself too. It's just how he is. And now we have to deal with Bobby."

Cas frowned, but began to pick up more of the dishes, only pausing once more to look out where Dean had stormed off. 

It took four hours to get most of the mess cleared up, and that wasn't counting the serious burn marks in the floor, and the singed wallpaper. Sam tossed the last trash bag into the trash bins outside, and then stretched, looking up at the sky. It was getting darker now, and Bobby still hadn't returned yet. Perhaps, he wouldn't be home tonight as he had originally texted.

Dean had come in a few hours after storming outside, and went straight to his room with a word to either Sam or Cas, without offering to help clean up the rest of the mess. Soon after, the shower starting running. Sam felt extremely guilty about this. He knew that if he hadn't wanted to get his hands on the book, so to speak, the spell would've never taken place. And now Dean was angry, and Cas was confused, and Sam was left to try to straighten it out.

"Why that spell anyways?"

"Because it was said to have great powers, Sam." Cas answered from where he was sitting in the study, which, thankfully hadn't been affected very much.

"Did you know that it was going to blow up?"

"" Cas looked down at his hands, and Sam suddenly had a sneaking suspicion.

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