Elementary, My Dear Sammy

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caution: contains the spanking of the two Winchester brothers

It was a hot day at Bobby's. Sam Winchester wiped the sweat from his forehead, pausing to study his work. Since it had been fairly quiet on the supernatural front, Bobby had put the boys to work. Dean was sent to the store to retrieve more paint and supplies for redoing the outside of Bobby's house, which Sam was cleaning to prepare. The power washer laid by his feet, silent and Sam relished the quiet of the world without the loud machine running. He had taken off his shirt, due to the sweat soaking through his back. He had even tied his hair back, but a few lose strands fell into his face every now and then as he worked.


The younger brother turned, surprised to see Castiel standing behind him. Instantly noticeable was the angry scowl on the angel's face. The angel looked no worse for wear despite wearing a trench coat in ninety degree weather with a suit and tie underneath. Sam found himself wondering what it would be like to be an angel, and then shook his head. Nah, angels were dicks. Well, most of them.

"Where is it?"

Now Sam felt a small jump in his stomach. He studied Cas, shrugging. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Yes, you do." Cas took a menacing step forward.

Sam bent down to pick up the power washer casually. "No, I really don't. " He turned back towards the house, ready to turn on the machine again, but Cas grabbed his shoulder roughly, spinning him back towards him.

"The spell book? The one I know you stole from Bobby's private collection." Cas's face was so close, Sam could practically see the pores on his vessel's skin. "The one they believe I have stolen."

Sam shrugged innocently, pulling out of the angel's tight grip on his arm. "Like I said, I have no idea what you were talking about."

It was a lie, of course. Cas's face reflected disappointment, and hurt that Sam would lie straight to his face. Sam hadn't planned on the angel being blamed for the spell book's disappearance, it just had worked out that way. As long as he had time to find the spell, and collect the ingredients, it would all be fine. But then Bobby had taken it to the next level, and Sam had heard him shouting at the angel from the house earlier in the day when the brothers were washing the Impala together.

Dean had looked at Sam in confusion, and taken off into the house, but the younger brother already sensing he knew the reason of the shouting, Sam had stayed right where he was, trying shake off his growing weight in guilt. Dean came back with the story. Apparently, Cas had been seen last with the book a few days, and Bobby had scolded him fiercely. But now the book was missing, and Bobby had no doubt to who had taken it.

The sounds of an angel getting his ass beaten by a old grouchy hunter were not pleasant. Dean had turned on a radio, hoping to drown out the sounds coming from the open windows of the house. Sam had stayed quiet, avoiding Cas as much as possible. But like all things, that ended.

"Dude, back up." Sam pushed Cas a little bit back. "I'm trying to work on this."

"Sam, I know why you took the book." 

Sam felt his heart stutter in his chest, and he calmly met the angel's gaze, trying to keep his hands from shaking. "You can't possibly know."

"But I do." The serious blue eyes stared straight back him imploringly. "And you cannot mess with such things."

The Winchester turned his back on angel, and swiped the loose hair back out of his face. He needed a drink of water, but that meant possibly running into Bobby. Sam didn't know his guilt was evident on him, so he should probably play it safe.

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