Brother Mine

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caution: contains the spanking of minors. if you don't like that sort of thing, feel free to skip:) Trigger warning: there is a notion of self harm in this chapter. 



The dining table shook as the youngest Winchester banged his fists on the table, his brown eyes filling with tears as he stared at the plate of food in front of him. To the side, his brother, Dean watched, wincing at the display, his eyes cutting to his father to see what reaction the man would have to emotional outburst. 

Even in his young nine years of age, Dean picked up a few things on the man he called his father. For one, John Winchester would leave for days on end with no warning. Too many nights of being shuffled half asleep to the car still in their pajamas only to be awaken once more at the junkyard that belonged to their Uncle Bobby's, or less often, the Pastor Jim's house, attached to the church, where they had to be quiet on Sundays, or forced to attended the service. 

Dean learned quickly not to expect a goodbye. You were lucky, blessed even, if John Winchester even acknowledge you on the way out. It wasn't how it was supposed to be, Dean knew this in his soul, watching as parents picked up their kids at the school with big smiles, and asking how their day was, while he once again had to walk to the other school to pick up his little brother before trudging home but it was simply how it was.

 There was no use in complaining. It was a lesson that Sammy, five and very bright for his age,  was still learning. Dean had to be an example, whether he wanted to or not. It was his job to watch out for his brother, to show him the ropes, to hide his emotions so his brother wouldn't get scared.

Thinking this, he tuned back into the present, as Sammy slouched down in his chair, kicking his feet. 

"Samuel, if you do not stop and eat your food-" John glared at his youngest son. He was just recently home from another trip. After being gone for two weeks, the house felt unsettled with him back. .

"Here, let me-" Dean started to scoot his chair out, but Bobby held up his hand, stopping the older brother in his tracks. 

"He needs to learn that he can't just eat what he wants." The older man gave Dean a understanding look.

Dean swallowed hard, looking from Bobby, to John, who was watching Sammy with an unreadable expression on his face, and then finally to Sammy himself, his too long hair, falling in his eyes as he sunk even lower in the chair, his feet kicking the underside of the table. The impact was so great that it was upsetting the glasses on the table, milk splashing out of Dean's cup, the droplets running down the side matching the tears leaking down his brother's face.

"Samuel, you stop this right now, or I will give you something to cry about." John said, his face pinched with tension. "Eat your food."

"I DON'T WANT IT!" Sammy sobbed, pulling himself up in the chair only to bang his fists on the table. "I want grilled cheese!"

"We aren't eating grilled cheese tonight." Bobby said gently, but firmly.



Dean jumped in response to the raised the voice. His father only truly yelled if he was upset, and both of the boys knew it. It had shocked Sammy out of mid shriek, his eyes wide as he stared at his father across the table. Dean clenched his fists, feeling so far away from his little brother. It was his job to protect him, to keep him happy and safe. Not to let his dad murder him on the first day back.

Bobby was watching John as well, his face stern. "Was that necessary?"

"He's old enough to have manners." John said, his voice still tight with tension. "Sammy, if you do not eat the food in front of you, you will be spanked."

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