I Blame You

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caution: contains the spanking of the Winchester boys and the wayward angel. contains non graphic sexual scene involving Destiel, underage drinking, and general teenage boy malarky. also: AU where Sam is 17, Cas is 18, and Dean is 20.


"I, I loved you in secret.

First sight, 

Yeah we loved without reason."

-Dancing With Our Hands Tied 



Cas only managed to get half a breath before Sam shoved him under water again. He struggled to get out from underneath Sam's hands until finally Sam let go, and Cas popped back up to the surface sputtering. Sam was brushing his brown bangs out of his face, treading the water like a pro. They both stared at each other, mischief written all over their faces until Cas was able to get his breath back. He dove under Sam, and yanked on the younger Winchester's foot, pulling him down. Sam struggled like a maniac and even got a few good kicks in before Cas let up. They both rose to the surface, breathing heavily.

"What the hell, Cas?" Sam glared at him.

"Hey. You did the same to me!"

Not having a good reply, Sam just splashed him hard.

The lake water had been heated by the warm sunny day, so the water felt extra cool on Cas's skin. He had been excited when Sam asked him along on the camping trip with their father and Uncle Bobby for the spring break week, not only because he never had been camping before, but because he was going to be camping with Dean Winchester for the whole week. It felt too good to be true.

 When Sam Winchester joined their school last year, Cas found himself drawn to the new loner. They quickly became friends, preferring to spend all their time together. The first time Sam invited him to hang out at his Uncle Bobby's was when Cas met Dean Winchester. Sam's older brother had come into the kitchen while Cas and Sam were eating. He was shirtless and sweaty, digging around in the fridge, pulling out a beer. Cas had gone home that night, tossing and turning in the South Dakota heat, thinking of a pair of emerald eyes, and dirty blonde hair he could run his hands through.


Breaking out of his thoughts, he saw Sam still treading water, giving him a strange look. "Where did you go just now?"

"Huh?" Cas felt his face grow warm despite the lake water surrounding him.

"You're always doing that, you know? Zoning out."


The call came from the shore. They both turned to see Dean, shirtless in his swimming trunks standing at the edge. He pointed at Sam, and motioned for him to get out.

"What? No!" Sam protested.

"Dude, Bobby asked you to get wood for the campfire!"

Sam shrugged, the water running down his face from his wet hair. "I told him I would get it after swimming."

"Yeah, Sammy, that was two hours ago?" His eyes fell on Cas, and he smiled briefly. "Water warm?"

Now Cas was definitely blushing, finally able to pull his eyes away from the defined muscles that were usually hidden underneath a pair of jeans, even in the summer. "Yeah." He was able to answer, feeling his heartbeat speed up when Dean stuck in his foot into the water. "Uh, you should come in."

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