Pac-Man Fever

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caution: contains the spanking of ex blood junkie


"Look, man that second trial hit you a lot harder than that first one. I don't know whether it was more intense or what."

"Felt the same. Til the next day."

"So we are gonna sit tight. Keep an eye out until you, uh, get better."

-Pac-Man Fever (8x20)


Sam kept sneaking looks at his brother as they sat around the table with Charlie, trying figure out how angry Dean was at him. He had left the bunker despite the strict instructions to stay behind. And to make matters worse, he knew Dean was being reasonable this time. Sam had never felt so strange in his life, and that wasn't even including the blurred vision, shakiness and coughing he couldn't seem to shake off.

If Charlie picked up on the any of the tension, she didn't say. In fact, she was acting quite strange too. Ever since she arrived, she had been quieter, more subdued. Something was wrong, but he didn't know to breach the subject. He had the sense she was lying to them, but with all that had occurred, he hadn't had time to check up on her story.

It was a djinn offshoot. Something that feeds off of fear instead of happiness. Well that was awful. Sam glanced at his brother again, wondering if a djinn could sense his pure uneasiness with his older brother. It wasn't that he was afraid of Dean, just of what Dean might do, especially when their had been specific instructions.

Charlie jumped to her feet, talking very fast, and grabbed her bag. They both watched her go, Sam trying to process what she had said in the moment, realizing he hadn't been paying attention. He was now aware that they were in the bunker, alone, and if Dean was going to punish him for leaving, now would be the prime time.

"She seem a little off to you?" Dean asked, meeting Sam's gaze steadily.

"Since the moment she got here." Sam answered honestly, appreciating Dean's keen awareness.


Dean had been right. The sooner Sam acknowledged it, the better. He hadn't been ready to take on the Djinn kid by himself. It had tested his strength that he didn't have, already spending it on sneaking out, and trying to prove his brother wrong. If he had listened to Dean in first place...well no point on dwelling on spilt milk. Now he had to clean up the mess, and the first step was an apology.

The bunker door closed, and Sam sitting at the table looked up to see his brother approaching him, a strange expression on his face. Sam didn't hesitate though, and quickly began to think through what he wanted to say. He was barely able to stammer out a few words though before Dean wrapped him in a tight hug. Sam froze in surprise, and gently gripped his brother tight, hugging him in return. The unspoken words hung in the air between them, and Sam closed his eyes, gently putting everything he wanted to say into the hug. He felt Dean smile against his shoulder briefly before pulling away.

"What do you say we go find our prophet?"

Sam could only stand in shock as his brother patted his shoulder before taking off his coat. He watched Dean cross the room, not able to say the words that he wanted to to say. Dean glanced at him, taking in what Sam was sure his surprised and guilty expression and then sighed, crooking his finger in a "come here" motion. Sam slowly made his way towards his brother, despite his brain trying desperately to turn him the other way.

"Now about today?" Dean said, a knowing look on his face.

"Dean, I-"

Dean held up his hand before putting it on Sam's shoulders. "You want to take care of it now? Or get some rest?"

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