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caution: contains spanking of a wayward father. Dean is seventeen, and Sam is thirteen(on the brink of fourteen)


Dean Winchester saw red. Not just a flash of red, like someone waving a flag in front of a bull, but actually red, glazed with fury. He clenched his fists as he strode up towards the scene, trying to keep his cool. His little brother Sam, four years younger than him, and infinitely getting himself into weird situations at school, was pressed up against the locker, shielding his face as some kid leaned over him, trapping the youngest Winchester in place.

"Please...I didn't.." Sam was protesting as Dean approached. "I don't know who did, but it wasn't me."

"Get the hell away from him." Dean growled. To his delight, the kid leaning over Sam straightened up, giving him a mixed look of fear and annoyance. Dean stood taller, meeting the bully's eyes. "If you have a problem with him, you take it up with me."

"It's none of your business." The bully snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. "Winchester here took something of mine. I want it back." 

"Sammy?" Dean looked over the bully at his brother, who was not meeting Dean's eyes. "Did he hit you?"

Sam closed his eyes, knowing what was about to happen, but unable to stop the roller coaster that was Dean Winchester's anger from breaching the hill. "It's okay, Dean."

Dean moved around the bully, and lifted up Sam's face, taking in the black eye starting to form, and the puffy lips. To Dean's skilled eyes, that was about two punches, and there had been about to be a third one. Well not today. He turned around, glaring at the bully, his heart pounding with certainty.  Two punches was two too many. And someone was about to pay.

"I'm the ONLY one who gets to hit my brother." Dean dropped his voice.

"Do you wanna go, Winchester?" The bully glared at Dean.

"Hell yeah, and when I'm through with you, you're gonna go crawl back into whatever miserable hole you came out of."

For the first time, the bully's sneer dropped slightly. Dean smirked. He had him exactly where he wanted him.

"Dean, don't. Remember what Dad said." Sam warned, trying to stop his brother for the last time. It did no good.

"Yeah, Dean-o. Remember what your dad-" 

The bully didn't even get to finish his words. There was only one person in the whole entire world that was allowed to call Dean that, and it for sure wasn't this joker. The first punch was satisfactory, landing right below the eye, a perfect hit.  The next one was in the stomach, and the when the bully groaned, doubling over, Dean gave him a hard kick, sending the boy flying against the lockers with a bang.

"If you ever touch him again, or even BREATHE on him, I'm coming for your ass!" Dean shouted.

"DEAN WINCHESTER." The familiar voice was like a ton of bricks hitting the floor,

Dean squeezed his eyes shut. Shit. 

"And Samuel Winchester. I might've known."

Double shit.

"Both of you, with me. NOW."


Sam didn't say a word to Dean as they waited outside of the Principal's office. They really didn't have to.  This was the third fight that Dean had been involved in since attending this new school. It didn't bode well for his big brother, nor for him, seeing as he was always somehow stuck in the middle.

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