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caution: contains the spanking of the youngest Winchester brother. (Takes place after the events of episode 10 & 11 of season 2)


"Dude, you ever take off like that again..."

"What? You'd kill me?"

"That's so not funny."

2.10 (Hunted)


"You have to watch out for me, all right? And if I ever turn into something I'm not..you have to kill me."


"Dean, Dad told you to do it! You have to!"

"Yeah, well Dad's an ass. He never should've said anything. You don't- You don't do that. You don't lay that crap on your kids!"

"No! He was right to say it! Who knows what I might become? Even now, everyone around me DIES!"

2.11 (Playthings)



The ringing of the cellphone broke through the tension in the car. Dean felt Sam glance over, still cradling his head, his eyes shuttered against the sunlight streaming in through the windshield. Dean fought against the stirring feelings in his chest. On one hand, he wanted to hand his brother the sunglasses he kept in the cubby. He knew from experience that hangovers were a real bitch in the morning, and Sammy wasn't used to it, especially with the amount he consumed last night. But on the other hand, natural consequences were how someone learned from their actions. 

"Are you gonna answer that?" Sam groaned, leaning his head back against the car seat, hands gong to his temples as if to hold his skull from exploding out of his head.

Dean rolled his eyes, glancing at the number, then answering. "Bobby?"

"Did you find him?"

"Yup, I did. He was right where Ellen said he would be." Dean made his tone sharp, glancing at Sam, who winced. Gotcha.

"How is he?"

"Well other than him trying to drink half his body weight in liquor, I'd say he's doing fine." Dean sighed, spotting a sign for a motel up ahead. It wasn't regular hours, but hopefully, with some extra money, the owner wouldn't mind early admission.

"Are you headed my way?" Bobby's voice took on a pointed tone, and Dean knew immediately what he was asking.

"Nope. I think I got this handled." Dean tapped the wheel, remembering the moment he found Sam slumped over the bar counter, barely coherent. Yeah, this wasn't something that Bobby needed to handle. It was between him and his brother.

"Alright. Stay safe."

"Will do." Dean shook his head as the call ended. He ought to be used to Bobby's abruptness, but it still caught him by surprise.

"Is he pissed?" Sam's head was still reclined back as if he had a nosebleed, but his eyes were on Dean.

"Don't worry about it." Dean spotted the motel up ahead. "Are you hungry?"

Sam groaned at the thought, his hands going to his stomach. "Dean.."


Dean pulled the car over to the side, ignoring the horn of the annoyed driver behind them. He reached over, as Sam was already turning in response, one hand over his mouth. Dean got the door open just in time and grimaced as Sam puked on the side of the road.

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