I Belong To You p.2

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"Don't overthink it

Let go and try to trust the feeling

You know it in your gut that you're healing

From every time you've been hurt before"


There was small hiking trail past the town. Dean finally made up his mind to go find it, hoping it would kill some of his hunting cravings. As he walked through, swatting away bugs, and glaring at the sand that covered the forest floor, his mind slowly drifted to other things. Like Sammy and his conversation last night. His brother seemed uncertain, and Dean was starting to wonder if it was really just stress, or if there was more to it. And Cas, how the hell was he going to deal with him? Just one look, and Dean wanted to strip his clothes off, and pounce on him, kissing him all-

He was right in front of him.

Dean stopped surprised, trying to catch his breath. Was his mind confusing reality with porn again? "Cas?"

Cas was staring at him, equally shocked. "Dean...what are you..."

"Could ask you the same thing."

"Gabriel said to do something, so..." Cas looked around the forest. "I suppose I..."

Dean briefly marveled at the fact that they were attracted to the same place, but then shoved it away as false hope. "I miss the bunker." Dean said, looking ahead towards the trail.

"Yes." Cas sounded relieved. "I do too."

Dean began to move again, and to his pleasure, Cas fell in beside him, walking quietly. They walked down the trail, left alone to their thoughts, Dean trying to push away the desire to grab Cas and plant one on him.

"I haven't seen Father since that day."

Dean looked sharply at Cas. They never talked about that day, except for the Sam's slip up the other morning. He wasn't sure what to say, or if Cas was even wanting to talk more.

Cas bite his tongue as soon as he said it. He couldn't understand why he had, or even why he wanted to share this with Dean. The spanking this morning had cleared his head some, but still it seemed like a bad idea. So what was it about Dean that made him want to melt into his arms?

"The day he took my grace." Cas said, staring straight ahead.

After a moment, Dean took the plunge. "He shouldn't of taken your grace."

Cas was so surprised that he stopped walking. Dean stopped as well, turning to face him, his expression so serious, Cas felt butterflies in his stomach. "W-what?"

"Cas, it was an accident. You didn't deserve to have your grace taken after what happened."

"But it was p-punishment." Cas said, starting to cringe a little, wondering if God was going to send a bolt of lightning just for them discussing the matter. "It was my fault."

Dean was staring at him like he was crazy, so Cas began to move again, feeling his heart thudding. Talking had been a very, very bad idea. He was stopped by a hand on his wrist. When he turned to look, Dean was staring at him, still with that expression.

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