The Ten Dean Commandments

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caution: contains the spanking of a fallen angel, and an Winchester who almost killed himself during the angel trials.


"I failed at being an angel. Everything I ever attempted came out wrong. But here, at least I have a shot at getting things right."-Castiel

-Heaven Can't Wait( 9x06)


Dean Winchester stared at the door to the bunker, willing it to open. He picked up his bottle of beer, taking another swig, eyes never leaving the door. It was too early for beer, but it was also too early to wake up to the notion that your brother and best friend had left the bunker after specific orders not too. Sam was still too weak from the trials to be going out and about, and Cas, well, he was dealing with the fact that he was had lost his grace. He could bleed now, which meant he could be killed easily. And there was the little fact that there was an bounty on his head. It gave a whole new meaning to the saying Wanted Dead Or Alive, Dean mused, lifting the bottle to his lips. He had sworn to himself that he would protect Cas and Sam, but what the hell were they doing leaving the bunker so damn early in the morning?

After the clock struck six a.m, the bunker door creeped open. Dean watched as his brother snuck in quietly, followed by Cas, just as silent. They were half way down the stairs when Dean cleared his throat, trying to not to smirk at the expression on his brother's face, while Cas jumped so hard he almost fell down the rest of the way.

"Whatcha boys doing?" Dean asked, feeling an intense sense of relief. He told himself if they weren't back by six, he would go out looking for them, even though he had no idea where to start.

"Oh," Sam rubbed the back of his neck, trying to find some sort of tale to tell his brother. Dean couldn't help but notice the dark circles underneath his eyes. Sam had really been through hell the past year, and all Dean wanted to do was lock him in his room so he could get some rest. "We were just running some errands."

"Oh?" Dean nodded as if this made sense.

"Yes." Cas spoke up, walking down the rest of the stairs. "I noticed the groceries were low."

Dean looked down quickly to hide his smile as Sam shot Cas a shut-up-right-NOW-look. As Cas came closer, Dean saw that fallen angel looked pretty rough. He was dirty as if he had been in some sort of wrestling match, and there was rip right above the jeans were there was dried blood. Dean turned his eyes to Sam, looking for any sign of distress, but other being a little bit fidgety, Sam looked fine.

"So, you went shopping for groceries at four a.m this morning, and let me guess, you fell into landfill?"

Cas's face fell as he realized he had been caught. Dean motioned for him to come towards, noting how the angel was avoiding putting weight on his uninjured leg. Once his friend was close enough, he grabbed his wrist, pulled out another chair for him, and plopped him down.

"Dean..what?" Cas exclaimed, and then winced as Dean touched his injured knee.

"Sam, I need some thread and needle please?"

Sam moved quickly, happy to not be the focus of attention. He brought it back, and then sat down on the other side of the table, out of Dean's reach, his brother noticed.

"So what happened here?" Dean kept his voice light, not wanting to scare his friend. He could see the wheels turning in Cas's head though, and knew that no matter what came out of his mouth, it would be a lie.

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