Brother Knows Best

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caution: contains the spanking of Dean Winchester. also: possible trigger warning for sucidal thoughts.

"Upstairs. Now."

The voice came from his little brother. Dean stared at him, confused. He had expected Bobby to take him in hand, probably belt his backside pretty good, and then release him. Having Sam do it, hadn't been in the cards, and Dean was surely not in the mood for one of his brother's spankings.

"I think I'll pass." Dean retorted, casually leaning against the table, crossing his arms. "Thanks though."

"You think I'm kidding?" Sam asked, matching Dean's stance, his own arms crossed over his chest. "You think this is funny?"


"You getting blown up isn't funny, Dean."

Dean shrugged, still staring at his brother. "Look, I got the job done. What more do you want from me?"

"To be safe!" Sam practically shouted. "Damnit, Dean! To use your freakin' brain for once!"

Yeah. He definitely NOT in the mood for this.

"You know, whatever, Sammy. So what are you going to do? Smack my ass? Tell me to do better next time?"

His little brother was staring at him helplessly. "How come you don't care about your life? How come you will do anything and everything to protect me, but don't give a damn about you? Don't you see how much you mean to Bobby? To me?"

This was starting to go down a road Dean didn't want to visit. The familiar feeling was starting to wash over him, so he clamped down, and gave his brother a hard look. "Sam, the job got done.  That's all that we went for."

"If it would've been me who pulled that stunt you would not have even waited until we got to the car!" Sam shouted, finally losing his self control. "You would've had me over your knee until you thought that some part of it would've sunk into my brain! And then you'd probably finish it off with the paddle when we got home!"

Damn it, he's right. 

I hate it when he's right.

"So?" Dean finally said, shrugging. "What do you want me to do?"

Sam took a breath, obviously trying to calm himself down. "Go upstairs. And wait for me in your room."

"Are you trying to sound like Dad?" Dean asked, the corner of his lips tugging hard, but he maintained his serious position.

"No." Sam gave him a serious look. "I'm trying to sound like you, Dean."


Sam paced the lower level of the house, trying to gather his will, and to calm down a little. It had been awhile since his brother pulled a stunt like this, and it wasn't going to go unnoticed. Dean was a different sort of person. Only Sam, and apparently Cas, (which was still strange, but definitely welcome) knew how to handle Dean Winchester.

Sam couldn't get the image of his brother running towards the explosive out of his head. It had been like time had stopped, and Sam could only hear his heart beat as the dirt and debris flew up all around, blocking his view of Dean. When the dust had finally cleared, Dean was laying on the ground, looking....well, it hadn't looked good. Sam had rushed to his side, hoping, praying that his brother was all right.

Dean's back had been bloody upon Sam's approach, and later on, he watched as Bobby pulled out various pieces of rock and shrapnel from Dean's back, while telling the story to Bobby as Dean wasn't really in the mood to talk. Even then, Sam knew that his brother had asked for it, and by god, Sam was going to deliver.

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