A Day In The Life

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caution: contains the spankings of two salty hunters


Jody: "Do I have to use my mom voice?"

-Time After Time (7x12)


"Dean!" Claire Novak shouted, tossing her knife in his direction.

Dean quickly caught it, whirled around, thrusting his knife into the menacing monster just in time. Glancing over to see how his brother was faring with the vampire hybrid, he paused when he saw Sam lying on the ground, the vampire next to him, unmoving.

"Sammy!" Dean caught his breath as his brother sat up, rubbing the back of his head and looking around dazed. "Are you okay?" Dean demanded.

"Yeah...I think so." Sam scooted away from the dead vamp. "It clobbered me right as I stabbed." He tried to stand, but wobbled, so he sat down again.

"Easy." Dean ordered. "Claire, you okay?" 

He turned to look at the blonde haired girl, who was scouting the area. She looked a mess, ripped jeans, hair spilling out of her ponytail, blood on her face, but it didn't stop the smile from crossing over her lips. 

"Never better."

Dean rolled his eyes, but grinned as well. "Let's get you home before Jody misses you."

"She won't even notice I'm gone." Claire sighed, but Dean noticed she began to head for the Impala at a steady pace. "Or even if she did, she won't know where to start looking." She walked out doorway to the outside without a backwards glance.

Dean looked back at his brother, waiting for him to get up, knowing Sam would protest at being carried out.

"I still think we should've told Jody. I hate lying to her." Sam stood up slowly,. "Remember when Jo convinced us not to tell Ellen where she was?"

Dean grunted softly at the name, feeling the familiar pang in his chest. "We rescued Claire, just like we rescued Jo. No harm, no foul."

They exited the building together, both blinking against the sunlight beating down on them in Sioux Falls. It had been ten hours since the whole affair had started, and Dean wanted to knock some beers back, and lay down for about a day. He felt his brother's surprise before spotting it himself.

A horribly familiar Sheriff truck was sitting right next to the Impala, and the Sheriff Jody Mills was leaning against it, arms crossed. Claire was already in the truck, buckling when the brothers were approaching. Dean felt his heart thumping as he registered the look of disappointment mixed with anger on their friend's face.

"Jody, what are you doing here?" Sam managed, running his hand through his hair shakily.

"Might ask you the same thing." Jody tilted her head towards Claire, who was quiet inside the truck.. "Seeing as how when I asked you boys this morning if you seen Claire, you said no."

Dean winced, glancing at Sam. "I can explain."

"Good. Glad to hear it." Jody opened the door to the truck. "I'll meet you back at my house. It's about a half hour drive. So don't you dare be any later than that." She slammed the door shut, and the two brothers stepped back as she turned the engine on, speeding the truck out of the vacant parking lot.

"Did that sound like a threat to you?" Dean asked bewildered, staring after the truck.

Sam looked nervous. "Let's just go. I don't want to find out."


They were gathered around the dinner table, the remnants of food all around them. It had been a quiet affair, just the casual noises of eating, but the conversation was barely two words at a time. The boys avoided Jody's eyes, staring down at their plates, concentrating fully on the meal. Claire kept sighing as she poked at her food, uninterested. 

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