Cry Me A River

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caution: contains the spanking of Sam and Dean Winchester. one instance of strong language. also: AU where John doesn't die and continues to hunt with his sons

Sam watched John Winchester pace, his mouth slowly grower dryer by the minute. Dean wasn't back, and he had promised that he would be by now. The situation wasn't looking good, and soon his father was going to start busting butts, starting with his.

"Where the hell is HE?" John whirled on Sam. "You are POSITIVE you have NO idea where he is?"

"None." The twenty-year old lied smoothly, widening his eyes. "He just left, I swear!"

And I swear I'm gonna kill him if I get paddled over this!

They were in Pastor Jim's house, the hour was late. According to the clock on the wall, Dean had left over five hours ago, only telling Sam that he had a very important meeting out town, and begged Sam to cover for him. Sam agreed reluctantly at the time, but now with time ticking away, and his father's rage directed at him, he was starting to rethink his decision.

John rubbed a hand over his face, before grabbing the keys for his truck. "I'm going to go look  for him."

"John, you have no idea where to start." Jim said quietly from where he had been sitting across the room. "Probably best you stay here."

"He's been gone for hours." John said wearily. "Do you know what the means in hunter time?"

Sam felt the first prickles of fear. He had assumed Dean was sneaking out to see a girl. It had never occurred to him that he might be hunting by himself, which was a huge strike in their dad's book. A guarantee of not sitting for at least a week, and grounded for two. Dean wouldn't be that stupid...would he?"

Damn it, Dean!

"I'm sure he's fine. He's a smart kid." Jim said confidently.

"If he is, he won't be when I'm through with him." John muttered to himself.

Sam chewed his lip nervously, now really seeing his father's anger for what it really was. Fear that something had happened to his older brother. "Dad...I actually-"

His sentence was interrupted by the door opening.


Dean looked at the three shocked faces staring at him as he slowly wiped the dried mud from his face. He had pulled off his clothes before getting into the Impala, although even that hadn't stopped from getting the car seat dirty, which pained him more the cut on his arm. After the vampire had shoved him into the muddy river, she had disappeared into the woods. It had taken Dean at least another hour to find her, finally disposing of her once and for all.

"What the hell..." John said slowly.

"Holy shit!" Sam said, getting up out of his chair, taking the whole scene. "What happened to you?"

"Ah, nothing." Dean took a step forward into the room, aware of the tracks he was leaving on the wooden floor. "Just another fun outing that ended with her not wanting to kiss me, and then I'm the jerk for wanting to kiss her."

John narrowed his eyes at his oldest son. After twenty-four years, he was pretty sure he knew when Dean was lying through his teeth, and this was one of the those for sure moments. "Where were you?"

"Didn't Sammy tell you?" Dean said smoothly. "I was out with Ruth again, for the last time now." He was starting to feel cold, and tired, only dressed in his boxer due to the copious amounts of mud that had been clinging to him.

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