The Girl Next Door

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caution: this story includes the spanking of Sam Winchester.


"So why pull the Houdini act?"

"Not a clue."

"What are you gonna do when you catch up?"

"I got a few ideas."

-The Girl Next Door (7x03)


"You can't just take off like that!" Dean watched his brother hold the can against his face, the bruising already showing, the spot rapidly swelling from where his fist had struck. There was to many emotions flowing through him, first of one, of course, he had been worried. This was the second time that Sam had just disappeared, and the last time Dean had almost been shot as a result.

"Dean, I left a note. I said where I was going."

"No. Not good enough." Dean stared hard at Sam, noting the dark circles under his eyes, his weariness coming off of him in waves. "Not with all this Lucifer crap going on."

Sam lowered the can, meeting his brother's gaze. "I keep telling you, I'm fine. You are the one who's not choosing to believe me."

"How can you be fine?" Dean waved his arms, exasperated. "You are seeing stuff that's not there! How the hell am I supposed to know if it's really you even in control?"

"I said, I'm managing it." Sam said, bitingly. He crossed back over to the fridge, placing the can back inside.

Dean watched, settling back down the bed. He hadn't been lying to Bobby. He did have few ideas of what he wanted to do to Sam when he caught up, and one of them definitely was punching him. That punch was for Baby, and the injustice of being stolen right underneath his nose. Sam sat down again at the little table by the window, doing everything he could not to look right at Dean.

"Look," Dean started, sighing. "I get it. Being cooped up with a gimp for three months isn't fun. But that don't mean you take off, even if it was for a girl."

Sam rolled his eyes, not even bothering try to explain anymore. "Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me, Sam!" Dean glared down at his brother. "You already are in a world of trouble for taking off, do you want to add some other junk to the list?"

"Ha." Sam snorted. "Since when do you have a list?"

"Since my brother decided that taking off in the middle of the night was a good idea." Dean studied him. "Dude, I warned you what would happen last time you did something like this."

Sam's face changed slightly as he remembered, and swallowed. "That's was different, Dean. Things were different."

"Yeah, well this is something that won't ever change. And you can inform Lucifer, I said that."

"I don't talk to Lucifer." Sam replied, quietly. He was doing the hand thing, where he squeezed tightly, the pain reminding him of what was real and physical.

"Good." Dean said, just as softly. "I'm glad to hear it. But we, "He gestured between the two. "Need to talk about some things."

The familiar words hit Sam in the stomach. Deep down, he knew it was coming, but he had hoped Dean at least put it off until they got back Bobby's safe house. He watched Dean carefully, wondering what his brother's next move would be. It seemed like Dean was unsure himself, standing up and pacing back forth.

"Look. I can't claim to know what is going on inside your head. But I need you to know, I can't take this."

Sam blinked at his brother's words. "What?"

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