Somewhere Only We Know

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caution: contains the spanking of an ex demon blood junkie

"Are mermaids not sweet?"
"They will sweetly drown you if you get too close."
-Peter Pan (2003)

Sam stirred awake. The back of his head was throbbing, and he was wet. Not a stuck in a rainstorm wet, but full on soaked. He could smell salt water from where he lay, and realized that wherever he was, it was near the ocean. That was comfort at least, maybe. Sam sat up, a groan escaping his lips as his muscles protested. Gingerly, he touched the back of his head, wincing in pain as he hit the tender spot, a large bump was forming, and as he pulled his fingers away, they were wet with blood.

Not good.

He had to get out of here. But where was here? Sam staggered to his feet, briefly putting his hand to wall to steady himself. The wall was made of rock, and was wet to the touch. His vision wasn't focusing the way it should, and there was two of everything around him. Shaking his head, he tried to take a step, but he stumbled, his foot hitting a rock, and causing pain to blossom up his leg. Somehow the pain cleared his head enough to keep trying to walk.

He turned around a corner, realizing as he came upon more dank, dark walls, dripping with moisture, that he was in a cave. How the hell did he get here? More importantly though, where was Dean? And Cas? He turned another corner, trying to not let his thoughts run wild when he came upon the entrance of the cave. He stopped, frozen in horror, realization sinking in. The only way out was to swim, and he couldn't trust himself yet in the water with the way his head was hurting.

Sam sunk down to the ground, closing his eyes, willing away the dizziness that had returned. He felt weak, and tired. How long had he been here? A day? A week? Longer? Was Dean looking for him? How far away from land was he? And why the hell was he here?

He had been so intent on his thoughts that he didn't hear the gentle sounds of something gliding through the water.

"You are awake." The voice was pure silk, with a hint of danger.

Sam looked up in surprise, eyes widening in shock. A woman was at the edge of the ledge where the ground dropped away into water. She was pulling herself out slowly, elbows digging into the sand. Her hair was the color of the ocean, mixed with purples and nothing covering her breasts, but all of this was lost on Sam as he stared at what was appearing behind her, a long tail ending with a fin.

"Holy shit." Sam breathed as she pulled herself all the way out, balancing against one of the cave walls.

She only gave him a amused look as she rung the water out of her hair, twisting it above her head. "What's wrong, Sam Winchester? Never seen a mermaid before?"

"Not possible." Sam muttered. " do you know my name?"

Her laugh was not a comforting sound. It was like when thunder rumbled, and you knew that something was on the horizon. "Everybody knows of the Winchester brothers. Tales of you stretch far and wide, all the way up to the heavens above," Her eyes glinted. "To darkest and deepest fathoms of the sea. And now, you belong to me."

"What do you want from me?" Sam growled. Attempting to get to his feet, he crawled over to the opposite wall of the cave, pulling himself to his feet with the help of some oddly shaped rocks in the wall.

As he turned around, she was suddenly right in front of him. Her tail was gone, and she was completely naked. Sam fought panic as she pressed him up against the wall, trying to look away, but she grabbed his chin, forcing him to look into her sea green irises. "Oh Sam, come on now." She smirked. "You are smarter than that. Remember the case? You know what I want to do with you. It's what I do to all men."

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