Face Down

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caution:( i'm just going to apologize in advance.) trigger warning: scenes of abuse, scenes of domestic violence, and non explicit sexual scenes with instances of strong language. warning: this is different from anything I've written, and if it makes you uncomfortable, please pass over it.


My heart is in your hands for a reason.

Don't act like it's nothing.

I'm giving you my all but you don't see it.

You act like it's nothing."

-Middle Finger by Phoebe Ryan & Quinn XCII


It felt like slow motion. The glass slipping through Sam's fingers at the last moment, and tumbling towards the floor in a free falling motion. He lurched forward, trying to catch it, but the sudden pain in his leg reminded him of his limitations. The glass landed on the floor, shattering into tiny pieces.




Sam knelt down, ignoring the throbbing of his leg now as he tried to gather up the pieces with his hand, scraping them together in a pile on the floor. There was movement coming from the bedroom now, and Sam felt his heart speed up with panic as he tried to get to his feet quickly for a broom.

He was halfway to the pantry when the bedroom door opened, and his lover stuck his head out. "What was that sound?"

Sam pressed his lips together, knowing better than to lie, but still weighing the consequences.  There was a chance that it would be fine if he told him, sometimes his lover didn't care. But other times...

"I was clumsy." Sam finally said, his voice sounding tense, but trying so hard be casual. It was best not give him a reason to think there was more to the story. " My glass slipped out of my fingers."

"What glass?" His lover's eyes sharpened, and he stepped out of the bedroom. His red hair was ruffled from sleep, and he was only wearing his sleep shorts. A sight that would usually do Sam in, but now...


"What glass?" It was repeated slowly.

Sam swallowed, thinking back five minutes ago when he went to the cupboard to pull down a glass. "I think it was the Texas Whiskey one..." 

"My favorite glass."


"Luc, I'm sorry. " Sam held out his hands defensively as his boyfriend came closer to him, not looking sleeping or cute anymore. "It was truly an accident."

"Oh really?" Lucifer spat, cornering Sam up against the wall. "You just happened to break my favorite glass. I thought I told you not to touch it."

"No, you didn't-" Sam stopped, his eyes widening as Lucifer pinned him with his famous blue eyed glare. "Yes, I remember. I'm sorry." He said quickly.

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