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caution: contains the spanking of two of our favorite wayward boys. ( a little bit different from my regular stories, so just be warned.)

The car was completely silent, and filled to the brim with tension. Sam wrapped his arms around his body, trying to gather all the warmth that he could without disturbing his brother. Dean hadn't looked at him since they had left the crime scene. It wasn't anger though, Sam thought, as he glanced at his brother, watching Dean clutch the steering wheel, his face hard. It was fear, pure and simple. Tonight had been a close call, for him and Cas, and now Dean had to reconcil with the thought that he almost lost his brother and best friend again. And for what? Sam bowed his head in shame, shivering again.

A moment later, the heat was blasting. Sam opened his eyes in surprise as the warmth flowed all over him from the vents. Now he really looked at his brother, but Dean didn't return the look, but his expression had softened a little around the eyes. Cas shifted in the back, accidentally bumping Sam's seat. Sam turned his head, catching the once angel's eyes. He wasn't looking any better than Sam was, wet and shivering, his hair still dripping. He was leaning forward so that his back wasn't touching the backseat, which wasn't good either.

They rode like this until they reached the bunker. Dean pulled the Impala into the garage, parking her into the usual spot. As soon as the car turned off, Sam realized he had been wrong. THIS was complete silence, all three of them sitting in the car, not looking at one another. Tonight had been horrible, and all wrong, but how did he tell Dean that when Dean wouldn't even accept it?

"Out." Dean said roughly, opening up the door.

Without hesitation, Sam and Cas followed Dean's lead, climbing out of the car. Dean eyed their shivering state without expression, and nodded for them to follow him. Sam shared a look with Cas. If Dean wasn't even going to speak to them, it was really and truly bad. Dean led them straight to the shower room.

"Dean..." Sam tried, but all he received was a look.  Well that was at least something.

"Strip." Dean commanded.

Sam immediately began talking off his soaking wet clothes, dropping them into soggy piles on the floor. Dean half stepped into the shower, turning on the water. He tested the warmth, and then gave a nod at Sam who was now fully naked. Sam gratefully jumped into. Sam bowed his head underneath the spray, almost crying in relief. He had never been that cold in his life, and now for a least a moment he could pretend that he was just showering, and hadn't almost died three hours earlier.

As Sam showered, Cas was having more trouble with the stripping part. His hands shook from being cold, so his wet jeans were only half way down when Dean finally stepped in to help. Cas caught his breath as Dean slowly picked up Cas's t-shirt and carefully peeled it away from his cold skin, lifting it up and over his head. Dean jerked his head towards another shower, and Cas slowly made his way to it, sending questioning looks at Dean the whole time. Dean stripped off his shirt, and pants, and followed Cas into the shower.

Cas chewed his lip nervously as Dean took a hold of his shoulders, and angled him so that he was facing the spray of water, his back to Dean. Cas closed his eyes as he felt Dean's ever so gentle fingers brush against his back, unable to help flinch in pain. Dean handed Cas some soap, and without saying a word, Cas took it and began to scrub himself while Dean carefully cleaned around his injured back. 

Sam climbed out of the shower, shaking his hair like a dog. He reached over for the towel, and wrapped it around himself. He watched as his brother and Cas emerged from the other shower, both freshly scrubbed and clean. Even the slice on Cas's back was looking better, though it was still going to need stitches.

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