Getaway Car

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caution: contains spanking and Destiel.  AU where Castiel is raising his sixteen year old twins, Jack and Ally with the help of his friends, the Winchesters.


Jack Lorde laid on his bed, his math homework spread out like a fan all around him. He had been making some progress on the multiple work sheets he had due, but now as the time slowly started counting down to when his dad would get home, it was getting harder and harder to concentrate. He had all but given up and was slowly deciding how he was going to bury himself when he heard a knocking sound. He slowly pulled himself up to his knees, his heart thumping in his chest. 

"..C-Come in?"

The door opened, and his Uncle Dean poked his head in first. Upon finding Jack on the bed, surrounded by home work, he opened the door wider, stepping into the room. Jack flushed, and looked down at his hands, twirling the pencil back and forth, feeling the shame wash over him for the second time that day.

Dean Winchester wasn't really his uncle. The Winchesters close friends with his dad, and practically family. They had always been there, but even more in the past two years when Jack's mother decided she was done with his father, and subsequently, him and his sister. It hadn't been easy, but slowly, Jack started seeing his father begin to rebuild himself and their little family. 

"Hey, kid."

"Hey." Jack mumbled.

"How's the school work coming?" It was a pointed question.

"Okay, I guess." Jack swallowed. "Um..." He looked up from his pencil, meeting Dean's steady gaze. "D-Did you tell Dad?"

"Jack, I haven't said anything. But-" Dean held up his hand as Jack slowly relaxed. "They called him first. They were short staffed at the bookstore, so he asked me to come pick you up with strict instructions that you were to be in your room when he gets back. "Dean stuck his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "Do you want to talk about it before he gets here?"

Not really.


Dean nodded. "Okay. Oh, hey where's your sister?"

"She has track after school.." Jack sighed, looking back down at his math book. "Which is why I'm stumped."

"Well, what am I? Chopped meat?" Dean said, looking a little offended as he walked over to the bed. Jack handed over one of the worksheets, moving over so Dean could sit. Dean peered at the paper, and then scratched his head. "Uh..well I"

Jack hid his smile. "That's my problem right there."

"Geez, what is this? Latin!" Dean shook his head, handing the paper back. "Good luck. When Ally gets back, I'll send her up."

"Thanks." Jack's shoulder's slumped as Dean stood up, stretching, his muscles popping and cracking. "Uncle Dean?"


"On a scale of one to ten, how much trouble am I in?"

Dean raised his eyes brows at Jack for a long moment. "Ten being the worst?" At Jack's nod, Dean pressed his lips together, thinking to himself. "You know, it's not your worst offense. I say you're probably at a seven on the trouble o' meter."

"Great." Jack flopped back on his bed with a moan. "A seven means I'm grounded."

"I could be wrong." Dean shrugged.

" Doubtful. Dad always agrees with you." Jack pointed at him. "You guys are like..."

"Twins?" Dean smirked.

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