Dead Man's Blood

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John: "You ignored a direct order back there."

Sam: "Yes, Sir."

Dean: "But we saved your ass."

John: "You're right."

Dean: "I am?"

John: "Scares the hell out of me. You two are all I 've got. But I guess we are stronger as a family. So, we go after this damn thing...together."

Boys:  "Yes, sir."

-Dead Man's Blood


"There are a few things I need to discuss with both of you boys."

Dean looked to Sam, then back at his father. He knew this tone, and didn't like where it was headed. It had already been a long day, an even longer night, and he was tired. Sam was unusually quiet, looking down at his feet, but Dean could see the tiredness seeping out of his bones. They had been through a lot the past day or so. They finally had the Colt, defeated some vampires, and now were standing tired in a small cabin hidden away in the woods.


"Look, I know I've been gone for almost a whole year." John looked at Dean especially. Dean felt his throat tighten. "There have been things that have happened that I wish you didn't have to go through without me," He turned to Sam now, who looked away, swallowing. "But I'm here now. And it is what it is." John stepped forward, looking at Sam now, conviction in his eyes. "We will find the demon, I promise you that."

Sam nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"And then we can get back to some form of normal."

Dean snorted. "Dad, you sound like a commercial."

Sam glanced quickly at him, eyes widening in shock. Dean knew better than to interrupt their dad when he was talking. Sam may have been gone at college for a few years, but he knew rules didn't change that quickly. He watched as John's eyes narrowed slightly, but Dean stared back, unfazed.

"There is no such thing as normal anymore. We hunt ghosts, monsters and now demons. Trying to put a positive spin on it isn't going to change the facts."

John put his hand on Dean's shoulder. "This will not be our entire lives. Once this demon is gone, we can try to settle back down. Sam can go back to college, we can buy a house."

Dean shook his head, feeling upset. "Don't you get it? Our lives aren't going to be normal. Mom was killed by a freakin' demon!"

John's eyes shuttered at the mention of Mary, but he breathed in, knowing his son was tired, and hurt. He did leave Dean on his own without a word of where he was going. That had been an awful thing to do, but he had no other choice. He always tried to do what he could to insure the boys were protected.

"So forgive me if I don't believe a word you say." Dean finished, flinging his father's arm off of his shoulder, and stalked out of the cabin, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Dean!" Sam called out after him.

John closed his eyes. He knew this was going to be hard, but things needed to get back on track in order for them to be focused and ready to take on the demon. If that meant digging through a years worth of crap, and pain, so be it.

"Let him go." He touched his youngest son's shoulder briefly. "I'll talk with him later. We need to have a discussion about some of your actions of late."

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