(Spell)ing Trouble

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contains: spanking and other various punishments of Sammy Winchester and Castiel as bestowed by their lovers. a non explicit sexual scene , instance of strong language also: Same AU where I Belong To You pts 1&2 takes place. A few months after the almost wedding! If you haven't read "I Belong To You", please do, just so you aren't lost! ^_^ 



Cas nearly fell out of the bed at the loud noise coming from the farther side of the bunker. He sat up, his heart pounding, wondering what the hell was going out there. At his side, his lover and best friend, Dean Winchester stirred, moaning quietly, turning away from him as he tried to cling on to the semblance of sleep. Cas smiled, although he was still trying to catch his breath. It had been a strange few months. Before Sam and Gabriel's almost wedding, he hadn't even been on speaking terms with Dean, but now they were together again. Hopefully for the last time. He never wanted to be without Dean ever again. Life didn't make sense with out Dean Winchester.

Another loud bang came from down the hallways, and the sleeping form beside Cas sighed loudly, reaching underneath and pulling his pillow out, placing it over his face, groaning.

"Dean?" Cas whispered.

"What are they DOING?" Dean moaned. "I'm trying to sleep! Can't they take their sex games somewhere else?"

Cas glanced worriedly towards the door. He highly doubted that this was a "sex game." In his experience, those types of games usually included more moaning, and heavenly bliss. This sounded like they were trying to bring the bunker to the ground by slamming doors. He moved to start getting out bed, but Dean reached out, capturing his hand.

"Well, since we are both awake..." 

Dean rolled over top of Cas, grinning down at him with sexy smirk that Cas couldn't resist. He began kissing Cas's neck, smiling as Cas began to wriggle in pleasure beneath him. Cas pulled Dean closer, and began to kiss him hard, feeling his head go to that place where only Dean could take him. 

Somewhere in the bunker, voices starting yelling. Dean paused listening, but then began to trail the kisses down Cas's bare chest, smiling against the writhing body. He put his focus on the lower half of Cas's body, touching gently, and still using his mouth with great detail. The other noises began to fade away as Cas began to moan with pleasure.

 "FUCK YOU." The sound of footsteps running up the stairs echoed throughout the hallways.

Dean stopped his actions, and rested his head against Cas's stomach. "Damn it." He sighed.

Cas sat up as Dean pulled away, climbing out of the bed and headed for the dresser. Cas chewed his lip for a moment, still a bit breathless and feeling a little lost. "Where are you going?"

Dean already had his jeans on, and was looking for a shirt by the time he replied. "If Sammy's having another meltdown, Gabriel is going to need some help."


The disappointment must have been evident in his voice because Dean shouldered into his shirt before coming back over to the bed, and pressed Cas up against the headboard with a kiss that should've been illegal. When they finally broke apart, Dean breathed out slowly, and the lust in his eyes were sparking. "I'm not finished with you yet."

Cas couldn't even speak as Dean pressed a kiss to his forehead, and left the room.


Gabriel was standing in the main area of the bunker, his arms crossed over his chest, staring off into space. When Dean entered the room, he dropped his hands to his sides, and gave Dean a frustrated look that Dean was beginning to recognize as his worried and concerned look with a bit of anger.

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