Take On Me

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caution: includes the spanking of two Winchesters.


As soon as they got the the motel room, all hell broke loose. Sam tried to edge around Dean to the bathroom, but Dean grabbed his upper arm, and proceeded to yank down his little brother's pants and boxers in one hard pull. Sam tried to wiggle out of the grasp, but Dean wasn't having it. He began to spank with his hand, pulling his arm all the way back and letting it hit hard against Sam's backside.

"Ow! Dean!"

Cas was the last one in the room, and seeing the scene, quietly shut the door, and leaned against the wall. He watched for an awkward moment, used to Dean's spank first, talk later methods, but he still felt for Sam's and his backside, which was already pink from Dean's rapid slaps.

Finally Dean let his brother go, and Sam pulled away, rubbing his bottom, trying to get as far away from Dean as he could be.

"What hell where you thinking?"

"It made sense, Dean!" Sam's voice was higher from emotion, but his face was flushed with anger.

Cas sighed. This wasn't going to end well. He walked over to the second bed in the corner, farthest away from the Winchester drama, and sat down, waiting for the storm to pass.

"Okay, so that's what you are going with?! It made sense. By all means, then, how about you go and almost get yourself killed?" Dean waved his arm sarcastically, pacing.

Sam began to pull up his pants, but Dean shook his head. "I would leave those down, we aren't done yet."

"What? This isn't fair." Sam exclaimed. "What about Cas?"

Cas looked up from flipping through the complimentary Bible he had found lying on the bedside table. "Hm?"

"Yeah, what about him?" Dean glared at Sam. "This has nothing to do with Cas. In fact, we are lucky he was here in time."

Sam crossed his arms over his chest. "Lucky?"

"Shut up. We are talking about you. We've had this discussion before, and I hate to revisit it, but I guess if it is what works..." Dean trailed off, shrugging.

Sam opened his mouth in silent protest, before shutting it again. Cas smiled to himself. They both knew there was no point in trying to argue with Dean. Once the stubborn blonde had made up his mind, there was no changing it. Sam had put himself in the line of danger for no reason, and Dean was going to make him see the error of his ways. It was how it always worked.

Cas turned back to the Bible as he heard Dean rustling through his bag looking for the paddle. "Where's the paddle?"

"Maybe it's at the bunker." Sam said moodily.

"Yeah, well then I'm going to use the belt." Dean said darkly, glaring at his brother, who hastily backed farther away.

"I saw it in the car." Cas said, conversationally, skipping the whole book of Song Of Solomon in one turn. The Bible definitely had some faults, and that was a whole chunk of it.

"I'll grab it." Dean walked over to the door.

Sam muttered something under his breath, and Cas winced as he heard the telltale sound of hand against bare flesh. Sam let out a yelp, and motel door shut.

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