Hit & Run

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caution: contains spanking.  AU where Sam is seventeen, Cas is eighteen, Dean and Gabriel are twenty, and Michael is 25 (Just for context) This is a continuation of the I Blame You series. If you haven't read those, I encourage you too, but really you only have to read the second one if you want to follow along closely with this story.)


"So what's up with you and Gabriel?"

Sam looked up from his homework sprawled across his bed. Castiel smirked at the look on his face from his perch at the corner desk by the window, tapping his pencil lightly against his History book. Sam blushed slightly, pulling himself up to a sitting position.

"Did he say anything?"

"No." Cas leaned forward. "But that doesn't mean I don't know something's going down."

"Okay..." Sam chewed the corner of his mouth for a moment, before motioning Cas over to the bed. As soon as his best friend was settled, Sam took a deep breath. "I kissed him."

Cas's jaw dropped open. "What? When? Where?...How?"

"That night we got drunk and high..." Sam trailed off, and they both winced remembering the events. "I went down to help him with the food."

"Uh huh." Cas smirked. "The "food"?"

"You interrupted with the whole vomiting all over the floor." Sam mock glared at him. Cas laughed out loud, shaking his head as he flopped back on the bed. Sam joined him, staring up at the ceiling. "I kinda thought he would call me by now, or something."

"Give him some time." Cas turned his head so he was looking at Sam. "I'm sure he has a whole big thing planned out for you. He's odd like that."

"Thanks a lot."

"Boys! Dinner!"

"Don't say anything to Dean." Sam warned as they walked towards the door. "I haven't told him yet, and the last thing I need is him threatening Gabe."

Cas rolled his eyes. "I'll be sure not to tell him the next time I see him."

Sam winced at his friend's tone. "It's been awhile?"

Cas didn't answer. It wasn't really fair to be dumping his relationship woes on someone who's relationship had barely just begun. Besides, Dean was busy with his college classes, and the engineering courses he was taking. All it meant was that they didn't really see each other anymore, unless he was spanking them, which was definitely  romantic. Not. And then with the panic attack at the end, it was no wonder Dean hadn't texted him in weeks.

"Don't worry about it." Sam bumped his shoulder upon seeing Cas's expression. "It'll work itself out."


The boys were half buried in roasted chicken, and potatoes when they heard the door in the foyer open and close with a click. Bobby frowned, setting down his chicken leg, half turning towards the sound.

"You boys expecting someone?"

Sam shook his head, shrugging. "No."

"Who's there?" Bobby called out, standing up now.

Cas truly felt for the unlucky bastard who tried to take Bobby on in a fight. The man was a force to be reckoned with, regardless if you knew him or not. Sam had to be thinking the same thing, because he sent Cas an uncertain smile.

"Relax, Bobby." A familiar voice said. "It's just me." Dean appeared around the corner, his hands up defensively, a small smirk across his face. His hair was dripping wet, the drops running down his face, and landing on his leather jacket.

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