Meet Me Inside

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caution: this is the (first) continuation of The Ten Dean Commandments, so if you haven't read that one, please do. It will bring you up to speed. also: includes the spanking of a graceless angel and restless Winchester

Sam Winchester paced his bedroom for the umpteenth time, occasionally looking back at his laptop and the news article that was displayed there. He brought his hands together, bringing them to rest against his lips, mulling over his options. Dean had been very, very clear.  They were NOT to leave the bunker. Even if it was a late night rescue mission for Castiel. But that had been over a month ago, and Sam was restless from being stuck inside. Dean was gone for the weekend due to Jody Mills calling and asking for some help on a case. If it had been anyone else, Dean would've refused, but they both loved Jody, and she was always there for them when they called.

The youngest brother closed his laptop, committing the information to memory. Dean wasn't due back for at least a couple of days. This new case Sam had found was only a twenty minute drive from the bunker. So close. He could easily handle it, and be back in time before Dean returned from Sioux Falls. He would be able be on his own for once without Dean watching his every move, and also jump back into the game of hunting. Definitely a win-win.

Just one problem...

Sam headed towards the kitchen, feeling strangely jumpy as he began to put his plan together. He could take one of the cars, it wouldn't be unusual for an FBI agent to have fancy car. No problem there. He just had to worry about the one other person in the bunker who currently had a guilty conscience and was trying to stay on his brother's good side.

When Sam entered the kitchen, Cas was already perched on a stool, one hand holding his place in one the books, his finger trailing beneath the words as he read silently, and the other holding what looked to be a sandwich close to his mouth. Sam took a breath, and approached him, wondering how the hell he was going to convince him to not tell Dean. The last time Cas had left the bunker, Dean had spent three days with the paddle, teaching Cas that he needed to come to him with any and every problem. Withholding information was one of Dean's top ten rules. Break it once, deal with the consequences, but break it twice, and who knew what would happen. Sam paused, not forgetting Dean's threat about a daily paddling. He knew Dean was serious when Cas had been inflicted with it. 

"Hey, Cas."

Cas looked up, and gave him a slow smile, putting down what Sam now recognized as a peanut butter and jelly, which was Cas's favorite of the week. Dealing with humanity brought a lot of changes to the fallen angel, but one of the perks was tasting the wonderful food. 

"Hello, Sam."

"What are you reading?" Sam tried to push down his guilty conscience, and pulled up a stool on the other side, so they were face to face.

"To Kill A Mockingbird." Cas flipped the book over gently, showing Sam the cover. "But I have yet to find where the bird is murdered. Perhaps it's at the ending."

Sam hide his smile, not even trying to attempt to explain the actual meaning of the book. "So, I'm heading out for a little while, but I should be back tonight."

Sam was expecting an outright surprised expression, or maybe even protests against his leaving, but all Cas did was tilt his head, meeting Sam's gaze. "Where are you going?"

"There's a case nearby, and I want to help." Sam replied honestly.

"We aren't allowed to leave the bunker." Cas pointed out, rather calmly for someone who had to pay the price dearly a month ago. "You know this, and you still are leaving?"

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