The Little Angel

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caution: contains spanking.

"Every night, I lie in bed, the brightest colors fill my head. 

A million dreams are keeping me awake."

- "A Million Dreams" from The Greatest Showman


"And now, allow me to present Archangel Chorus! Directed by the one and only, Gabriel!"

Thunderous applause echoed throughout Heaven. They were in the courtyard, angels of all shapes and sizes gathered together as the Archangels stood in front. Gabriel, dressed in all his glory, armed with a golden baton in his hand stood at the ready, as the full range of angels stood in front of him. He sent a wink at his father, God, but also known as Chuck from across the yard.

"You must be so proud!" An angel said excitedly. "All your favorites, gathered together like this!"

"Their voices are heavenly, of course." Chuck said with a smile. "Gabriel has worked very hard, and every single angel has been beckoned to be here today."

Gabriel lifted his baton, but paused when he saw Michael gesturing at him, beckoning him to come closer. Gabriel walked over, and leaned in. "Is there a problem?"

"Yes." Michael's green eyes shone with annoyance. "Guess who isn't here?"

"No." Gabriel's eyes widened in shock. "Please tell me you're joking!"

"Nope." Uriel cut in. " I remember telling you it was a BAD idea to include him."

"It WAS supposed to be just the Archangel chorus, not Archangel, and a screw-up. He never even showed up for any of the practices!"  Raphael added.

"Well, he showed up for like five." Michael said, somewhat defensively. "He knows his part."

"What do I do?" Gabriel said, running his hands through his hair in a panic. "Dad is right over there, and he's gonna want to see the show!  The WHOLE show."

"Tell him we cut out the solo part!" Uriel shrugged, ever so helpful.

"That won't fly!" Michael sighed. "You're going to have to tell Dad. This isn't our fault, or our burden to bear."

"Let me get this straight. You want me to tell everyone that the whole concert is ruined because our little brother didn't show up on time?"

"Sounds about right. And if I were Father, I'd know exactly what I do to him." Uriel scowled.

Gabriel rubbed his hands together, trying decide if he was more annoyed or concerned for their brother about to face their father's wrath. "On with the show. And we cross that bridge when we come to it?"

Michael gave a quick nod. "Yes. Agreed."

"I don't understand why he's even in the chorus." Raphael muttered as Gabriel walked away. "All he does is daydream and skip around. He's probably not even IN Heaven right now!"


The bakery was filled with sensational smells, and crowds of people, gathered into little groups at individual tables. They were all laughing, or looking at their cellular devices. It was all very astounding to Castiel. He stood in the corner, unable to be seen with the human eye, watching humanity. Hours had passed, and still he wasn't tired of it. Humans had to be his father's most amazing creation. They were so different, and yet the same. Different colors, languages, clothing. 

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