A Winchester Christmas

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contains: spanking and use of a rectal thermometer. takes place in season fourteen. spoilers for those who haven't watched. (very small though).


December 22nd

3:00 PM


Dean watched in horror as his brother disappeared into the icy water, the ice splintering even further down the partially frozen lake. It was a chilly night to begin with, but with the temperatures dropping dangerously low to the negatives, this was already a bad situation. Before Dean could react though, a figure rushed past him out onto the ice after Sam.

"Jack! NO!" Dean barely got the words out of his mouth before the young man sunk down into the icy water. The alarming thought was how was he going to rescue both of them. Sam had already been under at least fifteen seconds, and counting. He was going to need air at some point to survive. And Jack? Who the hell knew if the kid could even freakin' swim? He needed a miracle.

"Cas! Come on! I need you right now!" He shouted to the sky as he carefully knelt down. He stretched himself down to the ice, flattening completely against the ice. Time was ticking away, and Sam still hadn't made an appearance. Dean cursed under his breath. "CAS!"

The angel didn't appear. Dean slid until he was out where Sam and Jack went through. A sudden movement caught his eye, and he held out his hand, gripping a hold of a plaid shirt that was floating above water, and tugged with all his might. Two hands and a head appeared, breathing hard.


"Okay, buddy! It's okay, I got you!"

Dean pulled the dripping boy out of the water, and onto the somewhat stable ice beneath him. Jack was shaking already, his body shivering. Despite the chaos in Dean's mind, he knew that shivering was a good sign. He gave Jack a little shove towards the shore, gesturing to stay low on the ice. Jack obeyed, sliding his body slowly towards solid ground. Dean turned back to the open water, and took a deep breath, dipping head and arms into the water.

It was shocking, how cold it actually was. Dean held his breath until his lungs were about to burst. God damn it was cold! But Sam was under there somewhere, his life fading away quickly. Dean looked behind him just in time to see Jack make it to shore. Cas was nowhere in sight.

"Jack! Call 911! There's a cellphone in the Impala! Tell him that Sam fell into the icy!" Dean waited until Jack nodded, his arms around himself, still shaking from the cold. "HURRY!"

With that, Dean dove headfirst into the water. Already he was feeling the effects of the chilly waters as he swam down, down, down. His ears began popping with the pressure, but still he went down, his arms spreading out far and wide as he propelled himself. Oddly enough, as he searched the waters for his brother, his dad's old swimming lessons came to mind. Dean had learned he could hold his breath up til three minutes, but Sam had beaten him with just minute. That gave Dean hope, but all went out the window when it came to cold water.

His fingers brushed against something soft, and immediately, Dean grabbed a hold, and started swimming upwards, his lungs screaming for air. As he broke the surface, he reached for the ice, and yanked up his brother, shoving Sam onto the ice the way he had with Jack, before pulling himself out onto the ice behind Sam.

Jack was nowhere to be seen on the shore, and Dean could only hope Jack had gone into the Impala, and was blasting the heat. The kid was pretty tough, and he hadn't been under as long as Sam had.


His brother laid unmoving on the ice, his brown hair wet across his forehead. Dean gripped him, and began sliding backwards across the ice, his hands tightly holding onto his brother's. It was slow going with the combined weight, and all Dean could do was keep moving, even though his muscles were screaming in pain. Sam still hadn't moved though, his skin pale even against the snow and ice. Dean kept pulling, trying not panic.

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