An (Un)Expected Journey

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Warning: contains spanking and some disturbing violence. I am also placing a possible trigger warning here, just in case. There is a instance of harm to wrists, but not by anyone's own doing.


Sam Winchester knew the signs of a angry Dean. He glanced at his brother for the fifth time in a minute, noting the whites of his knuckles on the wheel, and the set of his jaw. Dean was mad, and if Sam was being totally honest with himself, his brother had everything damn right to be. The Impala speed down the road at a frightening speed, but Sam didn't dare comment. He was already in enough hot water as it was. Better not throw some gasoline on a burning fire.

How could it have gone so wrong?

Sam took in a breath. He had to say something. He deserved to explain himself at least before Dean completely torn him apart. But before he could even think of something to, he heard the backseat shift and a mild groan. A wave of guilt washed over him, and he sunk back into his seat, silent.

"Cas, you okay?" Dean glanced back at the angel sprawled out in the back seat.

"Fine." Came the tight reply. "Just bumped my side. Maybe you should slow down a bit."

Dean checked his speed, and sure enough the Impala slowed enough that Sam didn't have to hold on to the handle anymore. "We will get the bunker soon, okay? You can get your strength back so you can heal yourself."

"I don't know if I can." Castiel replied tightly. "That..thing drained me. It had some sort of power against me."

"I don't know." Dean's voice was quiet, but Sam heard the anger woven through the words. "But I intend to find out."


36 hours ago

"Sammy?" Dean's voice was sleepy, and his looks matched. His hair was sticking up in every which way. "What are you doing?" Sam set his laptop down on his brother's bed, and Dean groaned out loud. "Seriously!'s five thirty in the morning. Come on."

"There's been something that attacking people  in different parts of Kansas." Sam said, and watched his brother's face change.


"Same M.O." Sam nodded. "It looks as if it working it's way through the state.

Dean sat up, and pulled the laptop towards him, wiping a hand over his face. "I wonder if it's a nest, or just one acting alone."

Sam shrugged. "I don't know."

Dean stood up, and stretched for a full minute, his muscles cracking and popping over. "Let's find out. Is Cas still here?"

"Last I checked he was in the middle of Return Of The King. I think he was up all night."

Dean grinned, and began to pull on his clothes. "No sleep has it perks, I guess."

Later, in the car, Dean rolled down the window, letting the fresh air blow in. Cas shifted in the backseat, looking out at the rolling fields. "You think it's a vampire attack?"

"Definitely." Sam nodded. "Vampires go after blood in whatever form they can get it."

"All vamps are same, essentially." Dean replied.

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