Begin Again

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contains: the spanking of a minor child. also: takes place after Season Five when Dean lives with Lisa and Ben. possible spoilers for those who haven't watched the complete fifth season; my apologies.


He was crying again.

 Lisa sat up, brushing her dark hair out of her face, looking over at the man laying beside her, and reached out a gentle hand, touching the soft blonde hair, feeling the familiar thrill that went through her anytime she was touched Dean Winchester. Not only was he a dream, but a kind and good man, who had been through hell, literally and figuratively.


He didn't answer, turning slightly, moaning. As far as Lisa knew, the nightmares came and went without cause. There was no pattern, or extreme triggers. He would have good days, but then at night, he would be haunted in his sleep, sometimes twisting and turning until the sheets were so wrapped around him, she worried he might strangle himself.

"Mom?" Lisa looked up as her ten year old son, Ben walked into the room, pausing before coming over to the bed. " he okay?"

"Yes, Honey," She motioned him over to the bed, scooting closer to Dean, making room for her son to climb up in, smiling as Ben snuggled down in beside her.

"What's wrong? Why does he cry like that?" Ben wondered quietly, listening to Dean.

Lisa hesitated. They hadn't told Ben the entire story of what had happened with Sam, just the bare minimum, leaving out the gory details. Even Lisa had a few sleepless nights, imagining Sam in Lucifer's cage for all eternity. She wished with all her soul that she could be of some help, but Dean always put his head down, and carried on, despite the pain he had to be going through. Especially with the events before Sam being locked into the cage. 

"I think it's because he misses Sam." Ben said softly, answering his own question. He sounded more tired now, and was snuggling down further onto the bed. "I would cry if my brother died, you know, if I had one."

Lisa smiled at his logic, leaning down, gently kissed his forehead, noting he was already half asleep. She turned her attention back on Dean, running a comforting hand down his bare back, a bit sticky from the sweat. He calmed, breathing slower, and she sighed. Snuggled in between her two boys, she laid back closing her eyes, wondering at the twists and turns of her life that had brought to this very place.


"Ben! I'm not calling again!" Lisa shouted up the stairs. "Breakfast time! You'll be late for school!"

Dean looked up from his cellphone at the table, taking another bite out of his egg sandwich. "He's still not ready?"

Lisa gave Dean a shrug. "He's been doing this lately."

"Ben! Let's go!" Dean took another huge bite out of his sandwich, and winced as Lisa gave him a stern look, taking a moment to swallow the rather large amount of food in his mouth. "Sorry."

"Now I know where Ben learns his eating habits from." She teased, kissing his cheek gently.

Dean twisted in his chair, and gave her a long, hard kiss, feeling a little weak in the knees himself when he pulled away, smirking at her. 

"Blah, and you wonder why I don't want to come downstairs." Ben announced, a disgusted look on his face. "And I don't wanna go to school, " He grumbled.

"Why not?" Dean asked.

Ben suddenly looked slightly alarmed. "It' stupid."

Dean frowned. It was obvious Ben was lying, but before he could question the ten year old some more, Lisa crouched down in front of Ben, taking both of his hands, and giving him a very loving look.

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