2: Morality

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"Are you watching me now, Shy?" Sangwoo mumbled as he lowered himself deeply into the bathtub. "Have you bugged my entire house?"

"Yes." You responded nonchalantly as you munched some plain popcorn while you worked on your university homework. It was a mandatory writing class, which happened to be focused on creative writing. You were writing a story about a serial killer who was being stalked by another serial killer. Was it original? It certainly would be to the professor.

You were busy with school work more often than not. You sighed as you noted that Sangwoo practically never did any school work, even though you both went to the same university. I wonder what he's majoring in... I'll have to ask in my next letter and hope he answers out loud.

"I wonder how perverted you are, Shy. Would you like it if I touched myself? Or would you tell me how disgusting I am. What a pig I am."

You nearly choked on your snack. You had, of course, watched him perform such an act on numerous occasions, but it had all been in the name of observation and science. It helped you learn his habits, his desires and more about his body specifically. You weren't disgusted by his act, but it had never occurred to you that there was an option to like it.

This stumped you. Of course, you loved Sangwoo, but how did you feel about him sexually? It was such an uncomfortable inner conversation that you didn't even register that Sangwoo had gone ahead and started his own self-pleasure session.

Sexually... sexually... I mean, he is incredibly handsome and I wouldn't mind being close to him... But I feel such a moral repulsion about it.

This was an interesting paradox about you. You had no qualms about murder. No feelings about it at all. But premarital sex? That set off your personal morality radar.  You had been raised in a decently religious household, which is what you ended up chalking this up to. All the time you heard about purity this and that and how giving your husband your virginity was the ultimate gift. It was literally hammered into your head to "save yourself". You didn't care about other people's choices, regarding this— except of course for the whores that Sangwoo brought home to slaughter— but you felt pretty solid about it.

"I wouldn't mind watching it, but you'll have to marry me if you want anything else from me." You nodded in agreement with yourself.

You turned back to your creative essay and decided that this very instance would fit perfectly into your storyline.

I feel bad for whoever gets stuck peer-editing my paper for me. Or maybe I should say lucky them... you chuckled as you wrote a decently graphic scene about what had just happened. When you glanced back up at your computer screen, you noticed that Sangwoo had left the bathroom and gone into his living room with just a towel around his waist. He sat on his small sofa and turned on the television. On it happened to be an announcement about another missing girl. But not his missing girl. Yours.

"Well I will fucking be. Good work, Shy." He whistled.

"Yeah, it was." You responded without looking up from your paper.

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