57: The Fun Detour

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"This isn't your house." You noted.

"How astute. Good detective work." Sangwoo parked his car and got out. You quickly followed behind him.

"Where are we?" You asked politely, reaching out for his hand.

"Detour." He smiled as he kept his answers vague. He was, however, happy to hold your hand. If anything, he had discovered that you were prone to allowing things to escalate. And he wondered just how far he could get.

"Where?" You pushed.

"Can't you just enjoy the surprise?" He asked you.

"No." You scowled. "I'm upset still."

"Ah, well then this will certainly cheer you up. Look in the window, crazy." Sangwoo rolled his eyes playfully.

"...Oh." As you looked into the storefront you realized exactly where you were.

A jewelry store.

"I didn't mean to lead you on. I was serious when I asked you to marry me. So let's get you a ring, hmm?" Sangwoo pushed you forward as he held the door open for you.

"Hello!" The store associate jingled out to you. "How can I assist you today?"

"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-i..." You stuttered severely.

"Alright, sorry, she's really shy." Sangwoo wrapped an arm around you, pretty much signalling that you weren't going to have to do the talking today. "We need an engagement ring. I'm looking for something in the million won range."

You looked up at him with wide eyes. That was a lot of money for someone in college.

"Don't worry about it. I've been saving a long time. Plus, who else do I have to spend money on? I had an inheritance from my parents and it's just been me for a long time." Sangwoo shrugged, but he kind of liked the feeling of spending money on you. At least for a ring.  "Anyway, just something kind of plain, but pretty. It'll be hard to do this, but I don't want it to distract from my wife's beauty. I was thinking rose gold, but if she doesn't like that, then it's whatever."

Suddenly a tray appeared before you with at least ten rings on it.

Each ring, Sangwoo picked up, slid onto your finger, moved your hand around and then either put it back or looked for a yes or no from you.

And you had to admit, that it was fun and you did smile. Especially when you got to the seventh ring.

"Oh, this one." You whispered.

"What was that, my darling?" Sangwoo lowered his head right next to yours.

"This one, Sangwoo." And you couldn't help it, but you kissed his cheek. And Sangwoo blushed.

And he realized his blushed and it made him blush harder.

"I can't believe you made me do that," He mumbled, putting a hand to his hot cheek as you laid your forehead against his chest. "Alright. Ma'am. We've chosen one. Can you size it and then we'll pay for it? I think we're set here. Thank you."

And you smiled a genuine smile. You were so happy, you swore you could have died at that moment and gone straight to Heaven.

Or probably Hell. If that was where murderers were going. Which you weren't so sure about.

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