7: Forgiveness

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The crunch of the bat against the strangers back was an almost orgasmic sound to your ears.

"Oh, yes, Sangwoo. Beat the shit out of it." You crooned.

The scrawny man screamed as he laid out on the ground.

"I don't know who you are but I haven't seen my relatives in ten years. And you are most definitely not Shy."

"Hell no, it isn't!" You shouted in defiance. It hadn't occurred to you that Sangwoo might have thought it was you there. Probably because that would have been idiotic.

"You might as well have said you were my brother." Sangwoo continued. And you happily listened in to all the information that was being divulged. Sangwoo wasn't close with his family. He more than likely had no siblings. All good things.

You weren't close with you family either, having been noted as "creepy" and "not right" when you tried to talk to them about your obsessions. That's how you learned to keep them to yourself.

"Is it really trying to crawl away right now?" You giggled as you watched closely.

He didn't get very far and he screamed as Sangwoo dragged him back by his hoodie. And then he fought back.

"Yes! I love when they do that." You cheered again.

Sangwoo looked temporarily stunned, but not worse for the wear. Instead he wound up again and cracked the man on the legs, forcing him to fall down the stairs that he was desperately trying to climb.

Slowly, Sangwoo trapped the guy between his legs. Good place to be. You thought as your brained turned into a mush of sexual and romantic thoughts. I wish I was there. But I wish I was watching it's brains being smashed out.

He wound up once again and the stalker was frozen. You got close to your screen, waiting for the big finale. And it came; but not how you wanted.

"I FELL IN LOVE!" The man screamed from the ground as he began crying. "Sungsoo University Class of 2011!! I was in the same class as you! I also saw you in the army... You saved me from my superiors!! And from then on I...! I never intended to annoy you like this! But I liked you too much!"

Maybe his brains aren't spilling out, but his guts sure are. You thought disgustedly. At least I'm learning more about Sangwoo. He was in the military. He has been in university before. He doesn't care to watch other people hurt people. It has to be him.

Slowly, he crouched down and you wondered what he was doing.

"Hey. Spit it out. You and your mumbling." Sangwoo smiled. He smiled. It was a little gross. And then he stood up. "This basement's too small for the both of you. How about we go up?"

Sangwoo turned and proceeded up the stairs while you almost pulled your hair out in disbelief.

"Are you... really forgiving me?" The intruder asked with a smile.

"Yes, but..." Suddenly Sangwoo's hands shot out, shoving him backwards. "Not with your legs the way they are..."

You had never been so happy before.

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