51: It's A Trap

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"Alright, it's wrapped up beautifully. Time to check on the poor girl. Hopefully she's stopped breathing by now..." You mumbled. "I'm sick of the whole thing by now."

As you opened the laptop and typed in your password, you scanned your cameras, noticing that Ji Eun was indeed dead on the ground.

"But where are... you... Sangwoo--" You froze mid-sentence.

"Relax for me, I can't get it in." Sangwoo's deep voice came out of your laptop.

You wanted to close your laptop, to stop and not watch this unholy union that was not between two married people. But you were stuck. What was Sangwoo doing?

"Ahh! Don't..." it whined.

"Why are you resisting me? You're the one who wanted this first."

"Ahh! S-Stop!"

"Aren't you a little too indecisive?"

"Sangwoo it hurts! Ah! It'll tear! Ah!"

"You can stop acting as a crybaby. Do you know how much I've prepared for your sake? I had to entertain that thing down there and act all friendly with those annoying juniors. And did you see that gross thing touching my Shy? Did you see it? She wasn't supposed to be there and he practically dragged her. And I had to send her home when I know she would have entertained me personally. Ah..." He looked down at the thing before him. "The more I think about it, the more it makes me feel like shit. I quit. I quit. I'm not a rapist and to hear a guy or a girl screaming really turns me off... I guess you were just acting like you wanted me."

"N-No!" It yelled.

"Stupid." You mumbled, uncomfortable and finally looking away from the screen.

"A-Ah, it's too much!" it yelled out as Sangwoo plunged into it.

"How is it too much? Who was it again that killed the girl downstairs?"

Not Sangwoo? Glad I didn't watch then... That would have been underwhelming. You scowled.

"It's so big..."

You were torn. You stopped watching, of course, but you weren't sure whether or not to keep listening. Your mind told you no. That you should just shut your laptop again and forget what was happening. But at the same time, you wanted to know why this even appealed to Sangwoo, because you certainly didn't understand.

"Hoo... I wonder what I should do with your body... Trying so hard to live it's not even funny." Sangwoo was oddly calm compared to the thing writhing beneath him.


"Ah... This is new. I should try degrading you. Maybe I'll like doing it as much as I like hearing it from Shy..." He closed his eyes. "Filthy bastard. Lustful piece of trash.  You like this? It's not enough for you, huh?"

"Ah! Sangwoo! Sangwoo! By my side!!! I need you! Just you! Sangwoo... Please! Hah! Stay by my side!"

"Haha, really?" Sangwoo laughed, "You say you just want me? And you want to stay by my side?"

"Please! Cum inside of me!"

"I can't." Sangwoo shrugged.

This is where you finally decided to look back at the screen.

"Sangwoo! Please!..." The scrawny thing looked back. "Ah... W-Why..."

"Oh, why'd you have to turn around?" Sangwoo had a look slightly reminiscent of guilt on his face. "What are you going to do about this? Everything's ruined..."

"Why... That?" It looked devastated, although you were secretly glad.

"Isn't it obvious? If there's no condom then there's nothing to do."

"Hah?! S-Stop! It hurts... STOP! IT HURTS!"

"But earlier you felt so good you were about to cry. Yet now you're crying because of the pain? How selfish." Sangwoo stood up and shoved the creature against a wall. "I'm done with you. Get off by yourself. Don't bother me tonight."

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