59: Plans (Not God's)

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"You're trying to tell me, hand to God, that you thought I would like this?" Sangwoo looked down at the dismembered dick in a box and back up at the ceiling in his room: you technically.

"Yes! You had a plastic one you used on that thing, so if you were going to insist of doing that foul act, then I thought maybe you'd want at least a real one! Then maybe it wouldn't be so upset with you. Although, I don't know why you let it get any kind of upset with you. I wouldn't let it be picky. You know, I wouldn't even let it breathe. I would have killed it a long time ago. It's some kind of gross pet or something, I don't understand but it makes me sick you know." You babbled as Sangwoo laughed.

"You're so fucked in the head, Shy. No, I'm not going to fuck Bum up the ass with some dead guy's dick. Hell, I'm literally sick just holding it. Glad you thought of me, but thanks, no thanks." He cringed and shivered as he went to properly dispose of the wretched gift.

You shrugged, not particularly moved one way or another. Instead, you swooned over your new ring. It was absolutely darling and you were thrilled to have something connecting you to Sangwoo. It was something that said "Look world, I'm not crazy! I really am going to marry him!" Which apparently women needed to have nowadays. You needed to have it, anyways.

"Anyway, Sangwoo," You began as he walked back in, "I was thinking and I was wondering if you had any day in mind for--"

"Oh, I'm going to be gone for like two days starting tomorrow." Sangwoo stripped off his clothes and crawled into his bed, shutting his light off.

"What?" You froze. "Gone? You're never gone."

"I don't have a lot of dead bodies. Who the fuck knows what you're doing to yours, but I bury mine. And not in the backyard. So yeah, I'm going to be gone for like two days. Just letting you know. I'm going to take Bum with me too, so he can bury the stupid thing."

"Can I come?" You asked, innocently.

"Aw, damn." He sighed. "You know, I was thinking about that. Now, I want you to come, but you do not play well with others and I just want to get this done quickly and quietly."

"Leave the stupid thing at your house."

"No, it's his mess to clean up, I'm not leaving it at fucking home." Sangwoo snapped. "You know what? It's going to be a nice break for me not to be watched all the time anyway, so no, Shy, you can just stay home this time. It won't be that long. And when I come back, I'll spend some time with you. It's spring break tomorrow and then after that it's practically graduation. Then, we can get married and live your happy little life. So why don't you just chill? I did a lot for you today."

"Sorry." You frowned, not that he could hear a frown.

"It's fine." Sangwoo waved at you in the dark room. "I care about you Shy. Don't worry about it. Sleep well."

"Good night, Sangwoo." You sighed. Outwardly, you were disappointed. Inwardly, you were plotting. That stupid thing had to go. It was ruining your life.

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